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Different type shot here CF. I like it, but although it blows the punchline I wish it would have had something in that big expense of water there, like a floating surboard, a canoe, etc. Looks like a lake here Hopefully he called it a day.
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No problem, Greg. Actually, the surf on this day (last Sunday) was pretty flat which I thought made for a good shot with the surfer standing there wondering what the heck to do.
HA! Great shot. I would also like to have seen it from a lower angle. I also like the muted colors which add to the calmness of the waters. All is very quiet.
A very good shot, but I would have also experimented with a closer shot at a slightly lower angle to keep as much of the background as possible...the calm water ...and made the surfer a larger centre of interest.
Thanks for the suggestions, and thought of that but I was on a bit of a cliff and could not get down any lower without some peril. Skipped that adventure. Thanks for commenting though, I appreciate it.
That seems to be the common suggestion. Can't disagree, as mentioned I thought of that myself but just couldn't get any closer. I appreciate you weighing in, however.
Funny! Good thread.I've learned somethings from the comments Come up to Santa Cruz. Surf has been strong @ Pleasure point.
I'll try to get there this weekend.Great idea CF.
Thanks for the suggestions, and thought of that but I was on a bit of a cliff and could not get down any lower without some peril. Skipped that adventure. Thanks for commenting though, I appreciate it.
yeah yeah, i would have jumped off the cliff and taken the picture in mid air!:cornut:
Yeah, that's the ticket. A mid-air shot. Didn't think of that but it sure would have been interesting. Thanks for the comments. I appreciate you taking the time.
p.s. only 80 here today but it looks like the entire coast of CA., in enjoying the good stuff.