Photo Critique Forum

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Photo by hminx

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Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    NW, Florida, USA

    In the sunshine...

    Testing a newly acquired AF-S 24-120mm VR Zoom-Nikkor lens at a skateboard contest.

    Camera: Nikon F100
    Lens: AF-S 24-120mm VR Zoom-Nikkor
    Film: Fuji Superia 200
    Filter: Tiffen 812

    Some cropping done during the scan.
    Used the Unsharp filter in Photoshop LE, too.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails In the sunshine...-0__e_32a_f100_vr24_t812_su200_17apr04_skateboarder3-u330c.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Action photography... one of the most difficult things to do with a camera in my opinion.

    I think that it's great photo, shot at exactly the right moment and sharp too!
    Great colors and lighting with enough details in both shadows and highlights.
    Normally I always have something to say about horizons that aren't straight, but in this scene it doesn't bother me that much, it only adds more tension to the moment.

    Two things could have been better though.

    One thing is the straight grey object in the bottom right corner. It distracts me. And if you remove it you'll create even more tension, because the viewer will wonder how high this kid really is. Easy to fix I think.

    Other thing; I would liked to have seen more depth of field. Now the skateboard is too much "attached" to the metal bars in the background and the tree on the right competes too much with the main subject. Funny element because of the lack of DOF; it almost looks as if he's leaning with his left leg on a guy's head.

    Just minor things in a for the rest excellent image, in an area (action) that asks for a lot of experience and also a bit of luck.

    Well done Jerri, I hope you're going to show us more of these good action photographs.

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