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  1. #1
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    I started to believe that I would not see a sunset over the ocean here in Los Angeles. It turns out I wasn't going to the right beaches. I took my cousin to Redondo beach and found this sunset.

    Comments appreciated.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier-redondosunset.jpg  
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  2. #2
    Member DrRoebuck's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    The sunsets here can be a little tricky. Sometimes the most beautiful days spawn the most boring sunsets.

    I like the shot but I'd like to see a wider version of it, or a much closer version. At the very least, I would crop out the roof the building on the left side of the image.
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  3. #3
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    Thanks for the comment.

    I cropped out more of the roof on the left but lost alot of the glowing sun's arc. I don't have anything left on the right of it so I can't make the shot much more wider. If I letterbox the shot I might create the illusion of a wide pano shot. I'll keep messing with it.
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  4. #4
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    A lot of potential here.

    I agree with the good Doc that the roof on the left doesn't quite fit in with the rest although to me it is no biggie.

    What does bother me is how the image is divided right down the middle by the pier with a dark foreground and a bright sky. I would crop from the bottom removing the lightest water element. That would leave very dark water at the bottom of the image then the outlines of the pilings against the lighter colored water and the outlines of the people and plants against the very colorful sky.
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  5. #5
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    manacsa - It has potential. I think all the action is in the top half of the photo - the interesting shapes, the people, etc. I'd crop out just below the bottom of the walkway. The roof on the left doesn't bother me much personally, you can try it both with and without and see.
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  6. #6
    Just Lurking
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    I will second MB1's comments. I tried scrolling the screen until the picture was "cropped" at the bottom of the pilings and I think it's a better composition. Very nice colors with a nice silhouette.


  7. #7
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    Thanks for everyone's input. Here is what I came up with. I cropped the roof tip on the left...not sure is the sun's rays have become less prelevant.

    Removing the extra foreground is a sample of "less is better." I agree. Thanks!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier-redondosunset640.jpg  
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  8. #8
    Member mdvaden's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    I like it.

    Wish I could have stayed in the Oceanside - LA area longer last week. My first time there.

    Only got to take a few photos: mostly daytime.

    There is a lot of architectural stuff down there for added interest.

  9. #9
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    Nice Crop.

    Quote Originally Posted by manacsa
    Thanks for everyone's input. Here is what I came up with. I cropped the roof tip on the left...not sure is the sun's rays have become less prelevant.

    Removing the extra foreground is a sample of "less is better." I agree. Thanks!

    This looks real good.
    No, I DON'T need that.

  10. #10
    Junior Member henryrabbit's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset at Redondo Beach Pier

    The crop is much better! I don't think you lose the impact of the sun's rays at all.
    Amanda - Full-time mom, part-time picture-taker

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