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Thread: Sunrise

  1. #1
    Looking... dwaugh's Avatar
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    Bellingham, WA, USA


    I woke up right as the sun was coming up. The powerline annoys me, and I could spend time to photoshop it out of the picture, or next time I can wake up earlier and get the ladder to stand on so that I can be above it for the picture. Anyway, let me know how you like it.

    Here's how it looked as a whole from my deck:

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  2. #2
    Make yourself a dang quesadilla! OBie's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    I love these. I got up for a sunrise last summer and got (and saw) squat. Not being a morning person, it was a huge disappointment.

    Power line is a distraction. I do like the view from the deck a lot.
    OBie. Not Obi-Wan, just OBie.

  3. #3
    Looking... dwaugh's Avatar
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    Bellingham, WA, USA

    Re: Sunrise

    This time of the year seems to have some really good sunrises. I got one last year too that looks similar. I should probably make the photos a bit brighter, since it wasnt really that dark, I was just using a higher speed to make the colors pop a bit more.
    I always get up too quick and run out with my camera (this time I almost slipped and fell on the dewey deck with my bare feet) and I forget about the powerline until I am done. I got the ladder out one time and it worked well, but the sunrise wasnt as good.
    My Facebook Photography Page (Web-substitute) ~ Nikon D7000 | Sigma 10-20mm | Vivitar 28-85mm | Sigma 70-300mm Macro ~

  4. #4
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    love the silhouttes and the mood here. Both images share a very good feeling IMO.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    They look more like sunsets than sunrises which indicates great colour. The second is better than the first because the manner in which you have the trees in the shots implies more depth which is absolutely necessary in a sunrise or sunset shot. I would crop some of the black negative space out of both skies.


    Accepted photo standards in technique and composition are the tools used to judge photo quality.

  6. #6
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Sunrise

    Great color. I think the 2nd is the stronger of the two, mainly because of what i feel is a faulty composition in the 1st. Had you moved the tree a little closer into the picture ( away from the edge) it would have worked very well.
    the 2nd shot is very well composed, and while i think I would crop a little off the top and the tree coming in on the right, it still works well as is.
    good shootin
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  7. #7
    Looking... dwaugh's Avatar
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    Bellingham, WA, USA

    Re: Sunrise

    I actualy posted the second just to show how it looked, but didnt mean for it to actually be one of my photos... but I guess it is. I didnt want to really include it because you can see a bit of the house next door (boxy objects - not trees, right above the hill in the distance). I havent done any cropping yet. I would personally perfer to get better shots to begin with.

    EDIT: I would have the tree farther from the edge in the first, but there is another tree right next to it at the angle I was at, so that other tree would be encroaching into the side of the photo, which annoys me.
    My Facebook Photography Page (Web-substitute) ~ Nikon D7000 | Sigma 10-20mm | Vivitar 28-85mm | Sigma 70-300mm Macro ~

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Sunrise

    wow! great! i like it

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