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Nice capture of expressions. It has a nice story, some guys saying "hey" to the ladies (I may be wrong), and I like how the first girl draws you in. Then you get lead across the frame to the last guy. Nice timing.
I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.
Minor White
Hey, thanks. It was funny because as I was crossing the street everyone was oblivious to the camera until I was directly in front of them. As I was passing I over heard their conversation about me:
guy1: I wonder what he's recording. It could be us smokin' (weed).
guy2: Yeah dawg. That's what I'm talkin' about.
I've decided to carry business cards advertising my site should the need arise to explain myself and the presence of my camera in the middle of questionable situations.
I like the bottom image, the lighting is awesome and the lone musician is cool.
The top image is good, but the looking at the camera smile/giggling thing.
I don't know how I feel about that as a true street image. no candidacy. IMO
The one thing I love about streetphotography is catching people in the moment...
Never had a problem with anyone, but caring a business card sounds like a wise investment.
The second is also nice because of the two seperate scenes...a very nice split keeps this photo interesting. Tones are a little harsh, but it kinda works. I like the first one more tho.
What are some of the specifics on the photos? (film, camera, lens)
I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.
Minor White
The top image is good, but the looking at the camera smile/giggling thing.
I don't know how I feel about that as a true street image. no candidacy. IMO
I can see how it looks a bit contrived, but I assure you it's a 100% sponaneous shot. I didn't stop walking, nor did I indicate I was taking the shot. It was just me walking toward, the ladies crossing from my left, the guys on the corner and timing coupled with luck.
What are some of the specifics on the photos? (film, camera, lens)
I use a Sony 717 in shutter priority mode for my street shots at 1/320-1/1000 of a sec in manual focus mode set at infinity focus, ISO almost always set at 100.
My idea for keeping my pics in one thread was 1. I didn't want to seem like an attention hog, and 2. If anyone wasn't interested in Minneapolis or the street photography there of they wouldn't have to suffer through them if they had a slow connection speed.
I suppose I'll start a new thread per pic from now on though. If anyone's interested in visiting my site feel free: . It's mostly the kind of stuff you see in this thread as well as some night photography.
I love the second one.
It has a certain mood about it. Makes me think of the world moving on ( then man and child in the light) while the Narator, or Angel if you would, plays their lives tune. That is the emotion it brings out in me.
Great shot.