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I got mixed feelings on this one. I like, but something is making feel kinda boring?
I think that a person(s) in a window or walking along the sidewalk would have added an element that is needed. I like the layout and the building is really cool, but I still "need" something else. May just be me.
I also thought that a closer shot taken right by the building may also work. kneeling and look up or down the sidewalk to still get as much window a possible, but giving it a more unique perspective.
From what I have seen tho, this does fit well into the series...I'm just not blown away with this photo. (do we always have to be pleased with each and every photo in a series??? does each photo need to stand alone, apart from the series???)
I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.
Minor White
Seb - I like it for what it is. The colors sort of draw me in.... Retro 1960 colors or something. Notice the slight tilt. The colors are a bit muted so I can see Tao's comment that it might lack visual impact. Perhaps the muted colors by themselves w/o the sidewalk would have worked better. The window area might make for decent background material also.
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
Tao: I see your point. Actually, I felt the same at the first place. I guess I wanted someone to validate my impression. I too think that it's kind of interesting and kind of boring at the same time. About your inquiries, I guess that a picture from a series don't have to work on its own as it's meant to work in a series by definition but then, a picture that doesn't works alone isn't all that good as I see it. Overall, I don't see "Street colors" as a success. Thanks for the feedback.
SmartWombat: Perhaps... I didn't meant to put emphasis on the trees but I agree that they look flat right now. Thanks for commenting.
GB: The street is in a slope so the sidewalk does tilt but the building itself isn't supposed to tilt. There is an hint of remaining barrel distortion which may be misleading. That wall would be a neat background for various situations/objects. Thanks for the suggestion!