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Thread: Starry Night

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Mayagüez, Puerto Rico

    Starry Night


    Nikon D7000
    ISO 1250
    25s F/4

    Thoughts? Anything you would change?
    Photographer/Graphic Artist

  2. #2
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Starry Night

    Nice image, the leaning trees look strange, how did you light them ?
    the light seems quite neutral and white, maybe a bit to much light , what's your subject , the trees with stars in the background

    you seem to have little light pollution at that location ,
    have you tried getting the milky way ?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Starry Night

    The only thing i would change is where i live,i would love a night sky like that

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Starry Night

    Very cool! What camera do you use?

  5. #5
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Starry Night

    Quote Originally Posted by blueraid View Post
    Very cool! What camera do you use?
    Welcome to the site, blueraid. Asking a photographer what camera they use is sort of an insult. There are all kinds of jokes but one example is asking a chef what kind of pan or stove they use. It's the photographer that takes the picture, not the camera.

    Also, since this is a photo critique forum, please try to always offer some constructive criticism. You sell yourself short but not offering a critique. I believe that the critic often has more to gain from the critique than the one being critiqued. By taking the time to analyze and articulate what you think of a photo, you actually learn a lot that you can apply to your own photography.

    So what *do* you really think of this photo? Surely, there's something about it that can be improved

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  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Starry Night

    Not bad. The leaning trees are a little extreme, but the overall composition opens up the sky to the viewer. There's some artifacts in the sky that do distract from the viewing experience; these could be the result of over-sharpening or just noise from the longish exposure. The far right black vignetting needs to be cropped off when you work on it again. I would also consider cropping out that bottom treeline, as to me it makes it a cleaner shot w/o them, even at the expense of losing some of the context.

    Did you separately illuminate the trees with some sort of light? They're perfectly and evenly lit, so good job.

    The camera information is shown at the bottom of the image BTW.

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  7. #7
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    Re: Starry Night

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1 View Post
    Not bad. The leaning trees are a little extreme, but the overall composition opens up the sky to the viewer. There's some artifacts in the sky that do distract from the viewing experience; these could be the result of over-sharpening or just noise from the longish exposure. The far right black vignetting needs to be cropped off when you work on it again. I would also consider cropping out that bottom treeline, as to me it makes it a cleaner shot w/o them, even at the expense of losing some of the context.

    Did you separately illuminate the trees with some sort of light? They're perfectly and evenly lit, so good job.

    The camera information is shown at the bottom of the image BTW.

    Thank you. That is precisely why I posted this image on the critique forum. Wasn't sure if I should crop that area or not.

    As far as the rest of your suggestions, thank you too. Hadn't really noticed the right black vignetting, I'll make a few corrections on the image.
    Photographer/Graphic Artist

  8. #8
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    Re: Starry Night

    Also, there were some lights on the floor pointing towards a guesthouse under the trees, but some of the light reflected off of the house and gave it that look.

    About the noise on the image, I believe it happened when I lowered the resolution to post it here. It doesn't show on the original image.

    Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. Keep em coming!
    Photographer/Graphic Artist

  9. #9
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Starry Night

    Beautiful shot. The trees are very striking. I can can't stop looking. And the colors are amazing.

    The stars/sky look pixelated to me, too. Wondering why...

    I'm also thinking I might darken the sky just a little bit.

    And, if it were mine, I would content aware/clone out the trees at the bottom instead of cropping upward.

    But overall, a very compelling image.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mayagüez, Puerto Rico

    Re: Starry Night

    Hmm cloning that tree line could be a good idea, I'll work a bit on it later tonight. Thank you very much!
    Photographer/Graphic Artist

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