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  1. #1
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    St Joseph's interior details

    Lovin the 5D, low noise at high ISO and fast glass ROCKS!!! I know there is a bit of distortion, but I am not sure it hurts it. What do you fine folks think? Is it effective, or does it SUCK??
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails St Joseph's interior details-pict0425.jpg  

  2. #2
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    I am impressed by the detail, sharpness and overall exposure as well as your composition. The only way you would be able to know whether the distortion hurts or not is to correct it in Photoshop and compare the two.

    In terms of minor corrections I would take out some distracting bits of sunlight reflections from under the balcony and elsewhere and very slightly brighten the upper balcony area to bring up a little more detail there. I would also "close" the door in the distance or try to slightly "unclutter" that area. Not as a critique item related to this particular shot but be aware that despite one's personal preference some images work better in colour.


  3. #3
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    I agree with Ronnoco's comments about detail, sharpness, and exposure and would add that I love the tones as well. This is a really nice image.

    I can't help but think that you have two pictures here. What I really like about this one is the balcony area and the stained glass. I feel like that could be one image by itself. Then the seond image is of the pews and the arched doorway on the bottom half. Play with the scroll bar and you'll see what I mean.

    This image works great but I thought I would share my impression of two photos in case it gave you any ideas for the future. Good shooting!
    Walter Rick Long
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  4. #4
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Definately agree with Rick, you have two strong images here. I love the tones and love black and white. Defiantely a great touch.

    Glad to know your enoying the new gear!

  5. #5
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    payn, I wouldn't have noticed the nitpicks if someone hadn't pointed them out, but nonetheless I still like it very much.

  6. #6
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Good capture, framing was done well. I'm thinking that an ever so slight bit of color be brought back into this might really enhance an already nice image.Good work
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  7. #7
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Great thoughts on this one all.

    I am posting a color version. It wasn't as colorful as you may think. That may be because to gain detail inside, I had to blow out the windows a tad.

    I see the potential for the two shots here, now that it is mentioned. Thanks for that observation walterick.

    Ronnoco, I do color too. It really depends on the subject, and I ALWAYS try both versions, this spoke to me more in b&w. Considering your tough standards (no harm intended) I am glad you found it somewhat impressive. It was shot with the kit lens.

    John, thanks for the kind words. I didn't notice it either.

    Gary, glad to know you find this image somewhat appealing. I posted a color version as well.

    Jared, yes the new gear is awesome, and is inspring me to get more serious and shoot more often. Glad you liked the tones.

    Thanks again to everyone, and would love to know if you like the color better. It can be reshot pretty much anytime, so perhaps a less busy day would take care of the door and distant areas. It was about 10 minutes until confession, and was starting to fill up
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails St Joseph's interior details-pict0425.jpg  
    Last edited by payn817; 03-27-2006 at 12:43 PM.

  8. #8
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Very Good Payn
    My eye is quickly invited down that aisle to the door at the far end.

    I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan

  9. #9
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Yes, great shot, Payn!

    Technically excellent too - exposure and everything tack sharp. Great sense of depth.

    Personally, I like the color version of this one (FWIW).
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  10. #10
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Really nice job Payne. I'm coming in late here on the critique. So, I hope you don't mind if I just pat your back. Also, I prefer the color version. But that may just be me...

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  11. #11
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Great shot, payn. Not much to add for me. I do see the possibility of the two different images that Rick suggested. It does not happen often, but this is one that I love both versions of. The sharpnes and detail is awesome.
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  12. #12
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Quote Originally Posted by swmdrayfan
    payn, I wouldn't have noticed the nitpicks if someone hadn't pointed them out, but nonetheless I still like it very much.
    Ah, that is what photography is: attention to the smallest detail to improve its influence on the impact and effectiveness of the photo.


  13. #13
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    I prefer the black and white
    Walter Rick Long
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  14. #14
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Quote Originally Posted by payn817
    Great thoughts on this one all.

    Thanks again to everyone, and would love to know if you like the color better. It can be reshot pretty much anytime, so perhaps a less busy day would take care of the door and distant areas. It was about 10 minutes until confession, and was starting to fill up
    Oops, I goofed in my communication by being too subtle. I was suggesting that you take care of the door and the clutter through the use of Photoshop, not by actually physically making changes in the environment.


  15. #15
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: St Joseph's interior details

    Wow, I think this is the most response I have gotten. Thanks for all the thoughts on this.

    Oldschool - A pat on the back is always welcome

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