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Nice shot. Those are some great buildings. I'm torn on one thing though. My only nitpick would be that the sky washes out the top of that middle building. Though if the sky was darker, the buildings wouldn't "pop" so much. Great shot either way though
Thanks Xia...I know what you mean. I fiddled a bit with this to see if it was better darker with the sky less blown out, or like this...and honestly, I'm still waffling about it. I like it like this (personally) because it still shows the lines of the building, but I know it's a big technical fault to have it so bright there.
I really like the picture, but one thing kind of draws my attention... the unfinished building, or at least it seems unfinished, on the left. I'm assuming you wanted the middle building to be the attention grabber. I do like how it seems to be transparent on the left, seeming to show the top of the building continuing on the other side. Interesting.