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Thread: Spider web...

  1. #1
    Member ladybugamanda's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    Packwood, WA USA

    Spider web...

    This poor little spider has built and rebuilt 'her' web. I've been watching her for a few days now. It took many trials and errors to get this, the best of the shots. I shot from the front and from the back. I tried using just natural light but I wasn't happy so I went back out with the flash on and got this. Is anyone an 'expert' at shooting webs? It's funny - I'm scared of spiders yet fascinated with their webs - or at least trying to photograph them!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Spider web...-web.jpg  

  2. #2
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Georgia, usa

    Re: Spider web...

    You could catch it during the "magic" hours, and mist it with a water bottle. Many people dislike this technique and think it's cheating, or just not cool to do to critters, but if done right, it can give good results.

    As you see, the flash blows out the spider, and makes it distracting. Try getting the sun off to the side of the web, instead of in front or behind, and that may help.

    Another possibility is to try using a wireless flash and placing it to the left or right of the web, and use flash compensation to turn it down, you don't want to overpower it, just enough light to give it a little sparkle.

    BTW, do you have a macro lens?

  3. #3
    Member ladybugamanda's Avatar
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    Packwood, WA USA

    Re: Spider web...

    I don't have a wireless flash or a macro lens. I want a macro lens in a bad way - maybe for my b-day!! I'll try shooting it at a different time of day. Maybe I can illuminate it w/ a flashlight so as to not blow out the spider. I wonder if the spider thinks I'm some sort of a monster stalking it?

  4. #4
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: Spider web...

    Because of the background, I wouldn't try to get the "whole" web. Shoot it at an angle and early in the morning (hopefully you can get some dew depending on your area). Look for that angle which makes the web stand out the best. Use a telephoto to better control your background.

    Webs can be tricky. The best webs are usually in the worst places. Don't get "stuck" on this particular one if you can't seem to get the right combinations to work.

    My advice on most macro shots is to 1) look for the best light, 2) look for the best background, then 3) look for the best subject - almost always in that order.
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  5. #5
    Member ladybugamanda's Avatar
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    Packwood, WA USA

    Re: Spider web...

    This particular web was positioned where I could shoot from either side as it was hinged on a ladder and the house - but the light didn't work for shooting it with the house/roof in the background. I'll stay on the lookout for more webs and try it with my telephoto lens. Thanks for the input!

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