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  1. #1
    Member GoDive30's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Something Evil This Way Comes

    I took this today, and I love the end effect, I darkened it a bit in PS, and done some cropping. I think I got the feel of that old dead tree that I was going for, let me know what you think.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Something Evil This Way Comes-something-evil-way-comes-web.jpg  
    Dive naked things look bigger underwater!!!!!

  2. #2
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    I think...

    I think you darkened a bit too much..
    There just isn't enough detail and the sky seems to be a bit flat?

    The image has potential, because I think you made a good choice in the placement of the tree.

    Post an un edited version.

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  3. #3
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    This is a great shot, I really like it a lot. You tried to express something that I also saw reflected in your image even if I hadn't read the title of this thread. This is one of these things I like, when people succeed to express in a photograph what they had in mind. Doesn't make an image like this make you feel good? I would.

    You made a good composition, no distracting elements, you added an impressive tree and sky, darkness, a straight and interesting horizon and you didn't forget not the place it in the center of the image. The creek competes with the dark foreground in a very balanced way.

    Yes, indeed, evil comes this way! I can feel it!

    I'm always very honest. I might not always agree with the way some pictures were shot, but I have no problem either to let someone know when he/she has done everything right in my view on things.

    Whether the image is too dark or not can be open for discussion, but what for me mostly counts is that the total concept is working out very well.

    If I were to correct this image in Photoshop? I would correct it with curves, settings and result as shown in my attachment. Others might have a different preference, I'm just showing you how the image could be improved. In my opinion trying to show all the details in the darker areas ruins the overall impact. I've personally no problem with this image if details get lost in the black if it serves the picture well.

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  4. #4
    Member GoDive30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtbbrian
    Post an un edited version.

    Here it is, this is what I started with, I took it on a whim, and wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, I figured it had nice lines, and I could play with it in PS. This is strait out of my camera, no editing what so ever. As you can see I didn't do much to this image.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Something Evil This Way Comes-something-evil-way-comes-web-raw.jpg  
    Dive naked things look bigger underwater!!!!!

  5. #5
    mjm is offline
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    i like the color version myself. i think if you did something to make it look like an older shot (yellow cast & scratches/dust) it would work out really well.

  6. #6
    Member GoDive30's Avatar
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    I don't think the color one sets the mood needed for what I was going for.
    Dive naked things look bigger underwater!!!!!

  7. #7
    mjm is offline
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    cool. i dig color myself but i understand what you are saying.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoDive30
    I don't think the color one sets the mood needed for what I was going for.
    Me neither to be honest. Still looks quite good in color though.

  9. #9
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    I like the color but

    here's my take...for fun... it ended up looking like an old illustration in an old encyclopedia or magazine...I like joed's version and I like the around with that one and see what happens...

    I think the comp in the first one was great and the simplicity of the shot makes it pretty solitary and creepy...good eye!
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  10. #10
    Member GoDive30's Avatar
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    ok, I went back, and played with the curves, I also airbrushed the bright spot on the tree, I found it distracting. Here is the lastest version of "Evil This Way Comes". Let me know your feelings.
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    Dive naked things look bigger underwater!!!!!

  11. #11
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    Personally I like a brighter sky with more details in it. Seems also somehow the idea that Natalie had in mind. I don't think it's easy to give a straight answer for how dark or bright this image should be, lots of it depends on personal taste when you ask me ;)
    A dark foreground however seems to be something most of us agree upon.
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  12. #12
    Member GoDive30's Avatar
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    JoeD I had a really good comment on PhotoSIG on the lighting on this, I think I am going to go and reshoot this with the light of a full moon, not with the moon in the shot, just the lighting, I think it will be hard to beat after that. The direction I have to shoot is almost strait to the southwest, so the evening sun at last light I don't think would work well for me, and as far as shooting it with morning light, I like to sleep in...
    Dive naked things look bigger underwater!!!!!

  13. #13
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    GoDive, I like the second B&W version (with the redone curves and airbrushing) a lot better than the first, simply because there is shadow detail visible where there was none prior. In general, I think this is a great scene for the "look" you were trying to achieve. Nice catch....
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoDive30
    JoeD I had a really good comment on PhotoSIG on the lighting on this
    I read those comments at PhotoSIG. Several people advised to make the background lighter in your revised version. I wonder if they tried to do this in Photoshop, because I did and if you ask my honest opinion; it takes away from the overall atmosphere of the image, at least when you correct more than just a tiny bit. That's why it's so important if you want to try out a different crop, light or color correction that you don't do it in your mind, but on your screen.

    Trying to recover lots of details in the foreground is nothing but a mere attempt to make the image look like the moment you shot it. Some people don't understand that this has nothing to do with photography. The purpose of image editing or darkrooms is not always to make an exact copy of the original scene. Your photograph is a good example, because the intention was to add a "feeling" to this shot.
    That's also the reason why I pumped up the details in the clouds and I tried to improve the impact of the silhouette of the tree; it's my personal attempt to add extra power to the overall atmosphere of this beautiful image.

    Point is... I made a correction and I had an idea behind it. People will say "make it brighter/darker" without really telling you why. Make sure you ask them the 'why' or what they thought about the image once they made it brighter.

    Take for example my correction, I didn't really you tell you in detail why I corrected it that way. But this time I told you about the whole idea behind it and that makes it easier for you to decide on your own if you consider that information useful or not.
    It also is a reminder for me too, to be sometimes more precise about the reasons why I prefer things in a different way.

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