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Thread: Some work

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Some work

    Thought I'd be the good newbie and put some work for you all to have a look at, not my latest work, ill put that up soon......

    Hope you all like

    Oh yeah......

    All images copyright (C) Simeon Jones, No authorised use without express permission of the artist.

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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Re: Some work

    was hoping layout would be a bit neater sorry peeps

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Some work

    Hi Sim - They are Ok, but from a snapshot pt of view. Let me elaborate:

    The first one is what it is, just someone on a computer. There is not much more to add on this one. The second's composition needs work, but the pic does have some interesting human nature feel to it. It is also too soft, however -- better use a faster shutter speed (or better scanner). The third has potential: I like the reflection but not how the person's feet are cut off. The bottom one is again interesting from a human pt of view, but is too soft to be taken seriously.

    If you could work on these technical aspects I think you will have a good base to move fwd from, as you shots are quite interesting!


  4. #4
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Some work

    I'd like to have seen the shot of the two guys a little less centered. Have a little more of what's to their left in the looks like a desk with manuals or something. Having that totally in the picture and the two guys off to the left side could have said something more about "some work".


  5. #5
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Re: Some work

    Welcome to the boards Simeon!

    The bottom two images are of most interest to me but I can only echo the comments already made, The missing feet destroys the overall image and the final image which is certainly a nice capture of an interesting composition, doesn't quite work, what were you using on the last image? Has the feel of a Holga....

    Thanks for sharing and look forward to seeing some of your latest work here in the near future.


  6. #6
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Some work

    I agree with the others but suspect that what we are truly lacking here is context. I am sure the people in these images like them immensely and are not bothered so much by small compositional flaws. Still, these are detail oriented critiques that are good to keep in mind when initially composing an image in camera. Good luck with your work.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  7. #7
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    Re: Some work

    Maybe my mistake here is not posting the series from each one came to put them in context......

    the first is from a college project about 2 years ago.... the project was simply entitled protrait and the breif was to was to shoot two studio portraits and two location, this particular one was shot of close freind of mine who is a young aspiring dj (and quite a good one)...... hence the headphones, so those who simply said he was staring at a computer, the denotation is intended to refer to the signification....... a young musician who is completely engrosed in what he is doing..... for me also the background that it had been suggested was rather plain was intended to annotate the idea of creativity, the blend of colours i.e. red(jumper), blue(back glow from screen) and yellow(walls) are intended to give the idea of diversity.

    the second image from around 1 year ago (two lads standing next to each other) is actually from a fashion project in which i looked at antifashion...... the image was actually taken whilst reloadingmy film..... i saw my models standing having a chat not wearing much in minus 2 centigrade weather.... i think if i had asked them to move it would have ruined the moment..... in this image i especially like the effect the tungsten light under the bridge's green cast, it suggests the sickly smell of london.

    the third image (black and white) was a documentary project from around 2 years ago in which i looked at alternative cultures and political idealism, i ended up splitting the project in two, the first half(four images) were taken of squatters in london, the reflection is in a puddle as he was proudly showing me the view from the roof of the factory where he lived.. he was a squatter who had specifically asked not to have any images taken, this reflection was shot without him noticing and when it was printed i intentionally over exposed the details to be in keeping with his wishes and try and bring in the anonyminity of some of the people and how they seem to blend into every day life.

    the last image is a picture from glastonbury festival in somerset..... the festival has a reputation for being a spiritual place at one end and a very commercial end at the other...., the image was taken in the green fields which is the spiritual end of the festival..... the strong colours in this are meant to show diversity living together peacefully and is from a project entitiled 'the glastonbury portrait project' this image was spur of the moment and was the only image that was not taken without gaining permission beforehand.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Some work

    would it be more suitable for me to posts series of work ( im new to posting my work and have only ever really had critique at college with my college peers).

    it should also be said that my background is that of quite a rebellious one and i really like toying with visual codes in my work..... visual code may well be interpreted differnetly elsewhere than the uk because of the cultural differences.

  9. #9
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Some work

    I am also a photographer with rebellious tendencies who shoots in series and refuses to be defined by a single genre of subject.

    The forum rules here are usually one image to a thread, and no more than four or five a day just to keep the focus on critique although I have seen those rules broken as in the case of this week's sticky. Also please try to critique as many as you post. That's what makes this work after all. Multiple images can become confusing to keep track of and folks just end up picking the ones they like best to respond on.

    Mainly I use this forum to test drive images I am not sure are communicating. What I think I have vested into a particular image may not translate to the viewer at all and this is a good way to find that out, as other photographers are probably more inclined to notice details about an image than your average viewer. You'll find there is a wide range of eyeballs at PR from amateur to pro and everyone usually works hard to make insightful and valid points or suggestions about posted work.

    I think your context for the images you posted so far helps considerably to define where you were coming from when you made these images. However, posting them blind without too much forward commentary is also acceptable and will get you a more blank slate impression from the viewer as you've already experienced. Whichever is more preferable to you.

    I hope this helps and welcome to the boards!

    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  10. #10
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Some work

    Quote Originally Posted by sim667
    would it be more suitable for me to posts series of work ( im new to posting my work and have only ever really had critique at college with my college peers).

    it should also be said that my background is that of quite a rebellious one and i really like toying with visual codes in my work..... visual code may well be interpreted differnetly elsewhere than the uk because of the cultural differences.
    Simeon - One can post up to 4 images per thread, which often is enough for a mini-series. Like CL said it is probably better not to make separate threads out of different images of a series, it's really hard for viewers to follow....

    The commentary has improved the enjoyment value of the postings. I find this is often the case I find with artsy shots of people. I'm not sure that the colors are distracting to me as an American... colors and styles in general are different in different parts of the world, even in the same parts at different times. But they're OK.

    Note that it depends on your final objective whether the photo should stand on its own or not. If you want the photos to support commentary, they can follow a different path. But if you want them to visually portray everything that's needed, this is different and maybe a little harder. To improve general photography skills, it's probably better to post them w/o the descriptions, see what folks think!

    Good luck and welcome to the PR critique board!


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