Ok here is my deal
If I put it at high ISO people say its to grainy
If I put it on a high ss people say its too underexposed
if I put it on 2.8 people say there is no DOF or focus
If I put it on a low ss people say its blurred
I have tried most of the suggestions here
all of my manual pics look a lot darker than with sports or av or tv mode
but I cant get any of those to give me a decent iso , fast ss, and a higher f stop all at the same time
maybe Im doing those wrong?
ISO 400
Exposure 1/1250 sec
Aperture 4.5
Focal Length 200mm
White Balance 0
Metering Mode 3
Exposure Program 3
Compression 6
CCD Width 18.433266
Exposure Bias 0.0
Focal Plane X-Resolution 4438.356
Focal Plane Resolution Unit 2.0
cloudy overcast day
a little sun through the clouds rt to left though the trees
65 degrees
just doesnt seem sharp to me?