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Thread: Snowy Scene

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Snowy Scene

    Looks dramatic I think, but you tell me. This was out in the Piute State Park, Utah.


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  2. #2
    Senior Member arne saknussen's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    Wow, this is nice! Great lines. Nice detail, especially in the upper left corner. Maybe a little blown out on the upper right, but a very engaging photo.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    I agree that it's nice. Yeah, maybe an GND would have helped with the sun but it's still really nice.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    Very nice, sun and all.

  5. #5
    Clayhaus clayhaus's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    I like this as well. Great dof, good shadow detail in the foreground scrub, color is pleasing. I would like to see more structure in the upper right corner and my approach would have been to increase the dynamic range via multiple exposures (or GND). Pleasing image all around though.

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    Thanks. I don't think I used my GND on this one, but I did use a polarizer (those two filters are about the only ones I use anymore). The only negative w/ filters is that shots into the sun can throw even more flare than w/o: I had to clean up several flare spots on this one (which thankfully was easy). The sky was changing by the second and I'm glad I got this one in time. What a freakin' cold day, too ... about 15 F if I remember correctly.

    Arne, D and Dray, thanks and I take that to mean that it would be better w/o the blow out, but OK regardless. Seems like digital is more susceptible to bright area blow out.

    Jeff, I see what you mean about more structure: not a whole lot out there and maybe just a little more mountain would have been nice. You would not believe how many HDRs I did out on this trip! but here I did not because things were changing so rapidly. Maybe I should have tried anyway -- it could have created a neat effect (!?)

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  7. #7
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    hmm. not sure about this one. I think the shadows might be a little too overwhelming here. I wish they were prominent but stayed a nice distance from the shrubs and not overlapped creating too much dark in the foreground. everything else looks fine!

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  8. #8
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    Liban - Interesting observation. I find that more dramatic, but like you say, less aesthetic. But it does give a late-day feeling, and a cold breeze .

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  9. #9
    Starting to think outside of the box icicle's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    Looks like White sand blown in.

    I like it.
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  10. #10
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    Dang! you're right Icicle, it does look like sand, and a lot like White Sands NM.
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  11. #11
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Snowy Scene

    It is very nice, really like the perspective of the shadows and the feeling of grandness transmitted by being able to see all the way to the mountains on the left
    but the sun makes me want to reach for my sunglasses

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