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  1. #1
    Member ZL4life's Avatar
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    Snow skating shot

    Ok, everything worked on this shot but i accidently flashed the flash twice! This is what i got.

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Snow skating shot

    Hey that is weird! Where did the blue line come from? Did they have a light in their hand?

    The snow is a bit too bright. Sort of distracts to the pt where I can't get past it.... Boo hoo. But it is an interesting expt.....
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  3. #3
    Member ZL4life's Avatar
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    Re: Snow skating shot

    It's a flash light that he put between his helmet and his goggle strap. i see what you mean with the white snow, i just never looked at it before, i'm just used to it looking that way i guess.
    here's another photo we got that night. i had it on a 30 second exposure and i did the rainbow rail with the light then i jumped off, threw the light back to eric (you can see it comeing into the frame at the top) then he did the drop rail. it was crazy.

    the only problem i have with it is that damn little tree right in the front. it's focused on the tree instead of the rails. but i still think it's cool.
    you can tell the speed by how thick the light is. at the top of the rainbow rial it's really thinck and bright but once we start down hill it gets really streaky, that was so much fun.

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Snow skating shot

    ZL4life - It's really an interesting technique. But, it still has a ways to go to becoming a good photograph.. Contrast, composition, etc all have to be right. However, it's fine to expt with stuff like this and learn how a particular technique so that you put it all together in a subsequent photo.

    I still grapple with composition btw, and that's even with 25 yrs of photography.

    BTW - the first thing that came to mind when I saw these are light-sabres from Star Wars. If you could manipulate the scene and recreate that effect that would be incredible,
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  5. #5
    Member ZL4life's Avatar
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    Re: Snow skating shot

    how would you change the composition? I know the quailty of the photograph isn't that great, i just thought it was interesting, and im trying to get better with this technique, so i'm open to advice. and your sugestion of the light sabers is a good one, i'm going to do it. My first thoughts are, two of my friends, black background, 30 seconds of exposure. flash both of them at the same time posing with nothig in their hands then drawing in the light sabers with some type of light..... it's going to take some trial and error, but i think i could do it.

  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Snow skating shot

    Quote Originally Posted by ZL4life
    how would you change the composition? I know the quailty of the photograph isn't that great, i just thought it was interesting, and im trying to get better with this technique, so i'm open to advice. and your sugestion of the light sabers is a good one, i'm going to do it. My first thoughts are, two of my friends, black background, 30 seconds of exposure. flash both of them at the same time posing with nothig in their hands then drawing in the light sabers with some type of light..... it's going to take some trial and error, but i think i could do it.
    Sounds like a plan to me! I think you might get some decent results and seem to realize that one needs to be flexible and creative with such a project.

    The composition would be better if the subject wasn't so dead center. At this angle, I think I would have left more space in front of where he was traveling. I also understand that it was a real outdoors shot, but the background is pretty intrusive, esp since the subject is ghost like (it really makes the trees etc take over). Your idea about a black background for the next shoot is a good one. I would try using a slower shutter speed and shooting when they are swinging, so that there's a little blur action in the scene. This will make the added sabre lights more realistic.

    Good luck - post the results.

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  7. #7
    Member ZL4life's Avatar
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    Re: Snow skating shot

    yeah, that was one hard thing to decide. i needed to have lights on so he sould see the rail, but with the lights on you get the trees in the back lit up. i wasn't sure what to do. this was more of an expariment.
    and with the starwars shot, i was thinking of using flash lights like i did for these shots. i wasn't even thinking real light sabers. i'll have to play around and see what i can do.

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