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This is the creature who has been eating my Plumerias. I decided to photograph him before I disposed of him. Happily, I learned that an older manual lens works very well with my Fuji S3 Pro. This was taken in sunlight with no flash, 125 @ f16. It is unaltered.
My kids think I have one big round eye and a light on my head!
He's looking right at you! Well with one eye stalk anyway. I think you did a great job with this Mamajan. Great DOF and lighting throughout. Nice an sharp on the focus. Great capture.
How could you even expect critique on a nice photo like this?
Canon 30D X 2, Canon 100-400L, Thrift Fifty, Canon 18-55 IS 3rd generation lens plus 430 EX II flash and Better Beamer. :thumbsup:
Couple comments: I would crop in a hair tighter to exclude the leaf edges at the lower right and upper right corners (the horizontal part of the leaf edge). I feel that the green portion of the image, which constitutes a large percentage of the image, should be uninterrupted.
Secondly, the lighter OOF areas in the upper left are slightly distracting to me. A slightly different shooting angle may have helped exclude or position them in a different location of the shot.
Lastly, even though you didn't use flash, it does look flashed because of the positioning of the sun. The over-the-shoulder sun placement makes it look a little flat IMHO. A more dramatic side lighting would give it more pop.
Don't get me wrong. I think it's a fine image. Just some ideas for you to think about
it is a good image, i agree with loupeys crop.... but for a different reason. right now the snail is just in the middle of the photo... i'd like to see it off to the right side lookign back in to the left side of the photo. i think it would give it a little more interest.
Points taken Loupey, thanks. I took this one handholding the camera so I'm just amazed that I even got it in focus. I'll try a similar shot again with the proper equipment; tripod, better lighting, etc...
My kids think I have one big round eye and a light on my head!