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I think that you need more depth of field for this to work. the point looks soft and the bottom is soft.
I would like this better if the point were sharp. All of the empty space to the right of the subject seems unnessasary. crop that off and leave a little space around the rest of it.
Its a great subject with cool and unusual shapes and colors.
My thoughts,
Almost, but not quite.
I think the point of the shell needs to be sharp, which needs more DoF.
I don't think ALL of it needs to be sharp, the loss of sharpness as it gets near the base of the shell is good IMO. I definitely woudln't want it all to be pin-sharp, that loss of focus is an important part of image.
But get the point in focus, and go perhaps one more turn down before losing focus, and it would be far better in my opinion.
But even at the speed a snail doesn't move, you may have difficulty with the long exposure to get hte DoF.
What lens did you use, macro lens or s standard lens with extension tubes ?
Thanks for the critique, fellas. The funny thing is that the point of the swirl IS actually in focus. The soft design on the point makes it look like it's out of focus, which is I guess unfortunate (I checked my other pictures for reference, I took a lot just to be sure I have a sharp pic). The subject was stationary, hanging on the the wall. I did not have to do any sort of rotation whatsoever. I actually like the blur, I used a macro lens to achieve it. As for the extra space, I composed it like that in order to have the swirl in the center of the composition. I still wouldn't change a thing about it, though.. something about it works for me. =)