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That's quite a substantial amount of noise - what ISO did you shoot this with? Also it would be nice to have a proper point of focus (the seeds perhaps?)
Love the texture and contrast you're going for here, Don. But I think the depth of field is slightly too narrow to work with it I think.
Really digging your more recent sharpening and texture techniques. This shot is a very interesting and unique perspective, which is hard to do these days with flowers lol. Good shot!
- Charlie
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Thank you Charlie. This was a very spontaneous shot. I saw the light hitting the silk plant and ran to get my camera with whatever lens was on it. I really appreciate the comment.
interesting view , is it one large flower? like 5" just the dark center ?
I shot one, didn't realize it was silk until I saw the photo in the computer screen
Hmm.. if You could just adjust it in that one area (and maybe few others) so that it doesn't look artificial, I think this shot is a keeper. Looks explosive, flaming...
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Great shot, I really like the texture, color and lighting, the image sort of jumps out at you. The only nitpick I would have is the noise, but if you do not mind it (which is your artistic right), I say Print and Frame it.
Last edited by w.slayman; 01-28-2012 at 12:11 PM.
Reason: clean up text
Feel Free TO EDIT My Photos, But Please Tell Me Why
I have gone over to the dark side, no more film.
Canon T2i, 18-135 IS
Digital Point&Shot - Canon Powershot A470