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Could have just as easily been San Diego. I like the croppings and the curve effect. The bottom shot could have used a boat right there in the middle of the water area. PS?
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
yeah i really like the top one, but the boat and kid are to close. i'm not sure if the boat in the middle of the pic or off to the right would be better.
I prefer the top one. But that one definitely could've used the rule of thirds. I think the kid being way to the edge of the photo doesn't help it. I'm imagining the kid on the right third, Then the boat on the other third. You also have the rail or the horizon seperating the shot into a third vertically. I think that might have worked better. I'll attach an image to show, I hope you don't mind). It's much easier to show it than to try and say it out sometimes.
If you don't like touching your photos, I apologize in advance and let me know.
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela
I prefer the top one. But that one definitely could've used the rule of thirds. I think the kid being way to the edge of the photo doesn't help it. I'm imagining the kid on the right third, Then the boat on the other third. You also have the rail or the horizon seperating the shot into a third vertically. I think that might have worked better. I'll attach an image to show, I hope you don't mind). It's much easier to show it than to try and say it out sometimes.
If you don't like touching your photos, I apologize in advance and let me know.
Editing my photos is ok with me. I have lots to learn from everyone. I was trying to use the rule of third on the first one, but there were too many distractions on both ends, but I like what you did. Thanks!
I thought the girl was too close to the end of the bench in the first version. Looks like she's about to fall out of the picture (and, indeed, she later did fall out of her legs . . . details at 11.)