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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    Shot this in the desert back in November and just got the film developed (can't really do all night shots with digital yet - battery goes dead, lots of noise). I meant to have only the truck behind me and then let it go all night to get the swirl of the stars: looks like my head extruded above the top of the vehicle. But even then, it appears that the image of the vehicle is showing through me.. odd, since I didn't think there was hardly any light at all on the vehicle in the dark there, so I didn't think I would have this problem. SO much for my technical calculations!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Selt Portrait Gone Awry-swirlinborrego1_nov08_px800.jpg  
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  2. #2
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    Re: Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    Wow, I love the ghost-effect. The car light trails are a great addition as well, certainly doesn't look like a "spoiled" shot to me! :thumbsup:

  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    Nice accident!

    Did you walk into the shot after the shutter was open?
    Can't figure any other reason for vehicle to show through.
    Keep Shooting!


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  4. #4
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    Frog, he shot himself first then he left the shutter open for a long time to record the stars. from what i understand. It's a cool effect and a nice accident. The way to not have this happen GB is to shoot the stars and the car first, then use a flash at the end of the long exposure. That usually will make you opaque becuase that's the last thing the camera records, rather, than you not being there and the camera recording for a long time after you've moved out and hence bring some of the car back where you were standing. Nice shot though!!

    I experimented with this also, What I liked doing is standing in one spot for half the exposure then quick moving to another spot for the rest of it. Sometimes even looking at myself. Gotta love photography!!!

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

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  5. #5
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    guys -- thanks for the comments, I guess for an accident it isn't all that bad. Liban, that's pretty exactly what I did ! except I shot myself with flash first (used self timer to get into the shot) and then recocked the shutter (w/ the camera on a very locked-down tripod) and left it open for about 6-8 hrs more. I don't fully understand why the Jeep shows through me but the only explanation is that the vehicle was still illuminated somewhat by stars or whatever during those eight or so hrs, so some of that light reflected back and went 'over top' me. Not sure how I could solve this, except to use a smaller aperture to reduce light intake. But that would affect the brightness of the stars too unless I used a filter mask, which would be very hard to do (but I might be able to lighten up the stars in PP.. maybe).

    Alex, Frog, so you like the ghost effect eh.. Hmm. Maybe I'd like it better if it was what I intended to do

    Liban, if you can do double exposures then a more technically perfect way to do the two of you type shot would be to do two separate exposures. But your way may create a neat effect unto itself. What might be neat is a shot like you standing in one spot perfected exposed, then a blur between that point and another, then a final shot of you wearing totally different clothes.. (like a Superman costume).

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  6. #6
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    I think the way to get it to work GB is to do it the other way around. open the shutter for as long as you want, then just before it closes sneek in to the picture and fire the flash with yourself in there. So record yourself at the end rather than the begining and hence you'll be the last thing recorded in there, and the camera won't have a chance to record any other information and render you see-through.

    Also, thanks for the suggestion, I've never done the double exposure thing and lol @ the superman outfit. Last I checked, I didn't have any super hero outfits in my closet. lol

    "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have." Nelson Mandela

    Nikon Samurai #23 - The Alexei Ponikarovsky of PR

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  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Selt Portrait Gone Awry

    Liban .. I wonder if that would make any difference, changing the order of the shots. Seems that the same thing would happen - but I guess there's only one way to really find out.

    .. Doesn't have to be a Superman outfit btw... how about starting from pajamas and ending in a suit and tie?
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