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Thread: self portrait

  1. #1
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    self portrait

  2. #2
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Way too many visual distractions combined with too much negative space!


  3. #3
    Member xsport652's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    wow I know i am not on here much and dont post much but jesus christ ronnoco. Your criticism is so bad. At least give something of a tip to the guy to help him out maybe next time. I have not seen one decent photo out of you on here. You tell us so much how you know a lot in the field of photography but it definitly does not show.

    btw tuna i love the sulf portrait. Just trying to get a decent one is hard. You pulled this one off greatly. Your reflections are awsome.
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  4. #4
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Tuna, you have pulled this off very well. Having viewed your photography for a number of years now, this looks just like a self- portrait I would expect/want to see from you. I do remeber at least one other in the past that was a reflection off a building?. . .also superb as i recall. I like the gritty look about this, and what also keeps me looking at this is the scene on the train in the bg. The passengers slumped in their seats from what looks to have been a long ride. I might suggest burning or cloning abit the bright spot i the center, but not a must. Nice work
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  5. #5
    Coastal Flyer Coastal Flyer's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait


    I don't know what makes good photography from bad photography, I just know what I like. And I like this. It makes me look long, longer, longer.... The face half covered by the scene of the train car is really great; the shifting's just a great photo. Thanks for posting.

    Coastal Flyer


  6. #6
    AutoX Addict Mr Yuck's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by xsport652
    wow I know i am not on here much and dont post much but jesus christ ronnoco. Your criticism is so bad. At least give something of a tip to the guy to help him out maybe next time. I have not seen one decent photo out of you on here. You tell us so much how you know a lot in the field of photography but it definitly does not show.
    It is a critique forum, Ronnoco's opinion is necessary, and to the point, he's got some great stuff posted. Take the criticisms with a grain of salt, his posts, at first glance dont seem tactful, but on a level, they are right, he's pointing out the technical flaws, it's up to the poster to correct it if they agree. (On another note, technical flaws are necessary in this image)

    On topic, this is a great self portrait, a little creepy, a little plaintive.

    Artistic shots like this are hard to improve, and though some "rules" of photography were broken, they were broken well, they're more like suggestions anyway.

    A tighter crop would, in a way be beneficial, taking away some of the negative space and distractions, but these also add to the sense of isolation suggested in the image.
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  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: self portrait


    Definitely artistic... Shots like this would not benefit from application of rules, etc. I think the distractions are part of what makes the shot an artistic shot. It also makes one think. I only wish you weren't starring straight at the camera like this, but more off into the distance, for that seems like what people do on trains (or subways).

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  8. #8
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    The avoidance of photographic cliche is not easy at the best of times but Tuna seems to manage it with ease.
    I also remember the one Gary is referring to; the reflection in the glass doors, the long black coat. These images stay with you.
    Shooting in these conditions is not about technically perfect results but more about an interesting and original outcome and I think it is all here.
    I don't see any negative space in this picture at all.
    CF mentioned the half covered face which I too feel is great; Gary mentioned the bright spot as not being a problem and I agree with both. If I came up with a shot like this I would not be wondering what f-stop was it I used.
    What some critics consider imperfections others would consider them to be assets and I often fall in with the latter camp.
    We all see things in different ways but I would respectfully ask Ronnoco not to insult the photographer with the pretentious, hit and run dismissive tone of "critique" which you choose to favour.

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  9. #9
    Junior Member Stillsky's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    I think it's great. To me, the visual distractions and negative space help tell the story.

    Reading this thread, I'm reminded of a quote that my trumpet teacher told me in a lesson back in college. He said it was a Charlie Parker quote, but I never looked into affirming that because it was irrelevant. The quote was "Learn your horn, learn your scales, then forget both and just play." I think it applies to photography well.

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  10. #10
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Well it is easy for me to see whay an enexperienced eye might judge this image bad without much thought, but for someone that knows his stuff, I can say, DAMN, that's awesome. The crafty use of negative space and the people who to the left really set the tone of this picture. I know how hard it is to get even a barely decent shot in this sort of situation, yet you, of course, have done it very well.

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  11. #11
    ...just believe natatbeach's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    I like the translucency of the image---there but not really.... I like that you saw a moment with interesting lighting and preserved it....I'd like to see abetter range of tonal appears to gray and flat...I like the grainy unperfect look of it(like the bottom edge being like dit enough to post it---what elements do you like about this image that you felt represented you...?
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  12. #12
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    I think it's brilliant. You are an inspiration to others Tuna. Beautifully executed as well. Thanks for sharing...
    Last edited by Greg McCary; 11-20-2006 at 08:16 AM.
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  13. #13
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Hi Tuna.
    This photo is really interesting!I remember you have posted another image of self portait through the reflection of glass. In that photo, you took the image by a usual posture of photo-taking. However, this one reveals a very different posture. The reflection on the right shows us the position of your hand and the camera. Your hand seems detached to the body in the photo, which is a bit surreal. The image to me is closed to a surgeon performing an operation, which requires high precision. Following the same line of thinking, the shot gives a strong emotionless feeling. Really intriguing!

  14. #14
    Liz molaselake's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Tuna, I thoroughly enjoy the composition you have here. I love the windows on the left side and the slumped over shapes of the passengers. That being said, I'd also like to see more tonality. Right now, the photograph seems a bit dark and has a distracting bright white reflection in the bottom/middle region. But aside from that, I don't have anything else to offer up other than the fact that I really like the creep factor it has going on.

  15. #15
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    I have nothing to add about the image. Let me just say that this is just one more example of your value to this community. You keep us all on our toes. Thanks.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

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  16. #16
    Member Rocket_Scientist's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Of course, it is rather busy... but still quite interesting. I know the title was "self portrait", but I (kind of) think it would be better if the camera was not showing. Maybe the camera could have been a little farther to the outside, and then cropped. Just thinking out loud...
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  17. #17
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket_Scientist
    Of course, it is rather busy... but still quite interesting. I know the title was "self portrait", but I (kind of) think it would be better if the camera was not showing. Maybe the camera could have been a little farther to the outside, and then cropped. Just thinking out loud...
    I thought the same about the camera at first. But it's so much a part of Tuna's life, I bet he almost goes nowhere without it. It belongs in the picture. I have been so impressed with your work Tuna you got me looking for a Rangefinder..
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  18. #18
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnoco
    Way too many visual distractions combined with too much negative space!

    I can't disagree with this, but I think they work.
    I mean Tuna could be commenting on his life or life in general, with the use of the disctractions and large negative space.
    You look at his expression and he kind of looks to be at his wits end.
    I think this is the most revealing photograph Tuna has ever posted, it's dark but it does reveal a lot about Tuna.
    Bravo to you Tuna for doing such a revealing self portrait!
    You know Tuna, it's hard to believe you have only made 757 comments, I swear you have way more than that!
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  19. #19
    Grumpy Old Man Overbeyond's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1

    Definitely artistic... Shots like this would not benefit from application of rules, etc. I think the distractions are part of what makes the shot an artistic shot. It also makes one think. I only wish you weren't starring straight at the camera like this, but more off into the distance, for that seems like what people do on trains (or subways).

    Hi GB1
    But I feel Tuna is actually staring straight ahead. The illusion is created in the reflection. It almost creates the illusion that Tuna did not take the photograph
    But therein lies the mysteries of this wonderful photograph.

    I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan

  20. #20
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait


    This is truly brilliant - I love how you've used the space and captured the commute to home and the lack of tone adds to the dreary commute - thats how it appears to me.

    The way the sunlight comes in from the left gives this a ghostly feel and the fact that the arm holding the camera appears as someone else's is terrific.

    Nicely spotted and brilliantly executed.

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  21. #21
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnoco
    Way too many visual distractions combined with too much negative space!

    So quick.. I find the photo is very good. The negative space is what makes this photo good.

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  22. #22
    Insert something witty here.. yogestee's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Tuna,,with me the jury is still out on this one..I find the image a tad confusing but I can't stop looking at it..You have included so many elements which at times work together then other times don't..
    This image holds my attention on sheer impact only not on technical perfection...I would rather view an image with impact than a boring image that is technically perfect..

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  23. #23
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnoco
    Way too many visual distractions combined with too much negative space!

    Ronnoco - thank you for your critique.


  24. #24
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by xsport652
    wow I know i am not on here much and dont post much but jesus christ ronnoco. Your criticism is so bad. At least give something of a tip to the guy to help him out maybe next time. I have not seen one decent photo out of you on here. You tell us so much how you know a lot in the field of photography but it definitly does not show.

    btw tuna i love the sulf portrait. Just trying to get a decent one is hard. You pulled this one off greatly. Your reflections are awsome.
    Thank you - I'm glad you liked the reflection and it's effect.


  25. #25
    Gone Fishing Tuna's Avatar
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    Re: self portrait

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    Tuna, you have pulled this off very well. Having viewed your photography for a number of years now, this looks just like a self- portrait I would expect/want to see from you. I do remeber at least one other in the past that was a reflection off a building?. . .also superb as i recall. I like the gritty look about this, and what also keeps me looking at this is the scene on the train in the bg. The passengers slumped in their seats from what looks to have been a long ride. I might suggest burning or cloning abit the bright spot i the center, but not a must. Nice work
    Hi Gary. It's always a pleasure to hear your views and critique. The scene of the train and riders is actually in front of me, through the glass in which I am reflecting - I'm not sure if that was a bit confusing to many.

    I also wondered about the white spot but left it as another supporting flaw - however removing it may work just as well or better...


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