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Love it. The colors are great, the mirror effect on the picture is just perfect. I love how when the mirror turns to red, it fades a little. Great effect and I love the centeredness (for once)
hey Jared... centeredness is like conformity and i have fought conformity since i was two, so saying that this picture was hard for me to accept. ;) but as usaual thanks for your great critique
I really like it! Is it my imagination, though, or is the line of the blinds slightly tilted to the right? That bothers me a little.
If you do this shot again, I would pay critical attention to how you are presenting yourself. Make yourself look just as artistic in some way as the mirror/blinds, and you'll have a work of art.
Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.
hey kelly no its not you imagination it is slightly tilted. the thing with this shot..there was no before thought. just walked in my bedroom and thought hey that might work, then snap.
and how do i make myself just as artistic as the subject ?
Love the double framing effect firstly the red mirror (does not overpower the shot the way lots of red usually does) and then the venetian blinds, the vertical light however would have been nicer if you were more inline with it, but the shot is still outstanding.