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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Taken at Mystic Seaport. The original version of this is very sharp, and although I like it I felt it was a bit boring. I edited this alot, some blur, lighting enhancements, and various subtle dodging and burning. I wanted a sort of dreamy, maybe slightly painterly feel, but without overdoing it.
    How does this present itself? Pleasing?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Seaport Village,  Shipsmith Barn-42790026seaportweb.jpg  
    Last edited by gahspidy; 02-28-2005 at 12:13 AM.
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  2. #2
    Nikon Samurai #14 DownByFive's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    I love the setting...Certainly is dreamy. If I had a magic wand to change what I wanted, I'd make the person in front an old man sitting there or something. Maybe it's just me, but the woman doesn't seem to fit with the character of the setting. But maybe it all fits with what you were trying to do...

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  3. #3
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    GREAT shot and digital work. The clouds seem almost drawn. Excellent shot. Though the lady does seem a tad out of place, I still enjoy the picture greatly!

    Good shot,


  4. #4
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    DownbyFive, Jared. . .thanks for the comments. I never thought about the girl being out of style with the scene, but I think I get your idea. Yeah, would have been cool to see an old guy smoking a pipe or something in front.
    Although I'm not anywhere near his level, i was going for a sort of Thomas Kincade type lighting mood. His paintings are unbelievably beautiful in the way he creates his lighting moods.
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  5. #5
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Long time no see, Gary. Hope you've had a good winter... : )

    I like this shot; a little something different. I don't mind the painterly stuff so much except where the tree limbs go from sharp to soft. The transition doesn't quite work there IMO. I might just leave the tree as is and soften things around it as you already have. Also the tree sort of looks like it's sprouting out of the chimney but that's a minor thing; I didn't notice it until I looked very closely at things.

    You could even try moving the tree a bit since everything behind it is more or less homogenous in hue.
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  6. #6
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Quote Originally Posted by PuckJunkey
    Long time no see, Gary. Hope you've had a good winter... : )

    I like this shot; a little something different. I don't mind the painterly stuff so much except where the tree limbs go from sharp to soft. The transition doesn't quite work there IMO. I might just leave the tree as is and soften things around it as you already have. Also the tree sort of looks like it's sprouting out of the chimney but that's a minor thing; I didn't notice it until I looked very closely at things.

    You could even try moving the tree a bit since everything behind it is more or less homogenous in hue.

    Wow, what a surprise. I was just wondering about you and here you are! Yes, winter has been good. I was wondering what you must be going through now that hockey has been called off this season. Ridiculous, heh? thanks for your thoughts. I think I will leave the edges of the branches sharp before the final cut. yes , it would be easy enough to move the tree trunk over a bit. will give it some thought. hows that D70 doing? Awaiting some pics from you now!
    thanks again
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  7. #7
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    Taken at Mystic Seaport. The original version of this is very sharp, and although I like it I felt it was a bit boring. I edited this alot, some blur, lighting enhancements, and various subtle dodging and burning. I wanted a sort of dreamy, maybe slightly painterly feel, but without overdoing it.
    How does this present itself? Pleasing?

    I think you were successful in getting some of that dreamy feel in there but I think your presentation with the heavy black border here may take some of it away. Something like this might enhanse the feeling.

    I like the little shed next door. It looks like it would be a nice place to be inside of, looking out, especially with the arched door way. Perhaps with the doors partially closed different amounts.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Seaport Village,  Shipsmith Barn-001.jpg  

  8. #8
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn


    The things I like - tones, colours and sky are excellent. However :

    I have come back to this several times and still don't have any feelings about this photo until Chunk added the oval frame - this now has appeal. I don't believe the lady adds anything to the photo in fact I think she's the reason I keep getting distracted by her each time I look at it.

    It really is a difficult subject to photo and because the far left building is in the way. Perhaps if you moved to the left and taken the photo more head on to remove the far left building it would work better.
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  9. #9
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    The color, composition and clarity are all outstanding. The only thing that could of made it better is maybe some other subjects in the photo (ie people walking about, horses, other animals, etc) and a better foreground like grass instead of the dirt (nothing of which you can do about it). I also think if the woman was on the lit side of the building that we'd be able to get more info/detail about here.

    Here I think that your edit has produced a nice work of art.


  10. #10
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Thanks for all the thoughts on this. Just wondering if you think it works better with a crop, and cloned out the person.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Seaport Village,  Shipsmith Barn-42790026seaportweb.jpg  
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  11. #11
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Much better
    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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  12. #12
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    For me this picture does have a dreamy feel to it. I like the colors and the way the lighting looks but the clouds bother me a little. Overall I like it.


  13. #13
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    Somehow it looks better than having the woman in there with her back (roughly) to the camera. Maybe a little better w/o the dark black frame too (though it was a good experiment)


  14. #14
    Paint with Light PuckJunkey's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn


    Don't even get me started on the hockey thing. Makes me ill just thinking about it. Truly a shame in every sense of the word.

    I have some D70 shots from New Orleans and a couple other interesting places I've been since I last posted here. Hoping to get back into the swing of things as Spring nears. This is a good forum. I missed looking at all the great stuff from you and seb and the others so I figured no time like the present to start posting again / see what's new.

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  15. #15
    seenyourmember villenadecorte's Avatar
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    Re: Seaport Village, Shipsmith Barn

    I like the effects you have used around the trees. Dreamy yes, I am envisioning this shot a bit wider- with the red barn more out of focus. Like having a flash back to a memory of visiting this place.
    Great capture.

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