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Thread: Sarah Swimming

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sarah Swimming

    Newbie, taking hordes of pictures, still relying heavily on auto settings although with guidance from people here I'm starting to venture into manualville. Criticisms encouraged!

    My neice Sarah enjoying a sunny day in the pool. Taken with my Canon D30 using a Canon EF70-200 4L USM lens.

  2. #2
    They call me Andy... ACArmstrong's Avatar
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    Nice job - I shot some pictures a few weekends ago of my daughter swimming in a pool like this. It's not as easy as you'd think. You did a nice job with your composition and DOF - the only thing I see is that the colors are a little muted and you could use a little more light.

    Can you share what the settings were?
    Andy Armstrong
    Please visit my photography site - Andy Armstrong Photography

  3. #3
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bkdonnelly
    Newbie, taking hordes of pictures, still relying heavily on auto settings although with guidance from people here I'm starting to venture into manualville. Criticisms encouraged!

    My neice Sarah enjoying a sunny day in the pool. Taken with my Canon D30 using a Canon EF70-200 4L USM lens.
    It sounds counter-intutive, but use your camera's flash with people on sunny days - you'll get more light in their eyes. This photo is good, but you'll notice that your niece's face and eyes are dark in realtion to the relatively bright water.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Sorry, meant to pass on the settings:

    Shutter: 1/250
    Aperature: 4.0
    ISO: 200

    I too felt Sarah's face came out a little dark, and I wish the colors had a little more punch. I tried to boost things a little in PhotoShop, but everything I did to fix the face ruined the appearance of the water. I'll try the flash next time. Thanks all!

  5. #5
    MB1 is offline
    The Skeptical Photographer MB1's Avatar
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    I do like the highlight in her hair.

    A fill flash would probably help with filling out the face if it didn't distract her.

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