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Thread: Sandia Creek

  1. #1
    Member Adamo's Avatar
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    Temecula, Ca, United States

    Sandia Creek

    Some Southern California Fall colors! Who knew?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sandia Creek-img_0204-edit-2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Pretty shot.

    Might just be my eye, but focus seems soft from middle of picture to top. Horizon also seems a bit tilted right.

    Rocks in foreground do a good job of anchoring picture and giving it depth, but those two rocks take up an awful lot of the picture. Bottom rock especially is bright, so your eye keeps going there instead of the beautiful foliage. I wonder what it would look like if you could have moved a little forward so that the rock at the bottom was smaller, the one on the right cropped out, and more of the beautiful reflection of the colors in the water included.

  3. #3
    Member Adamo's Avatar
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    Temecula, Ca, United States

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Thanks popeye, I took this shot as well. What do you think?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sandia Creek-img_0206.jpg  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Sandia Creek

    I prefer the second, but it seems as though there is a lot going on in the shot. May be better with a little less foliage?
    Please have a look and leave a comment or three...


  5. #5
    Member Adamo's Avatar
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    Temecula, Ca, United States

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Thanks baldemort, I'll try to bring my weed wacker next time!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    S.F. Bay Area, CA - USA

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Nice answer Adamo.. ;) The second shot is pretty good, the only thing I'd do is cut out a little bit more of the foreground water so the rocks at the far end aren't in the middle of the frame..... Maybe even with the bottom edge of the plants on the right side....

    I do like the first shot too... Seems a bit more contrasty, and that's a good thing. The foreground rocks do take a lot of the frame, but I'm not sure exactly how I'd change it myself to keep just part of them...

    Anyway, good stuff.

  7. #7
    Member Adamo's Avatar
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    Temecula, Ca, United States

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Okay, so this is my final shot of the series! I think it meets most of your critiques. I did try to bring out the reds more in those two trees.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sandia Creek-img_0207.jpg  

  8. #8
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Sandia Creek

    Excellent shot on the most recent, the rocks in the center look a little too high-key, they could be brought down a bit.
    - Charlie

    Feel free to edit and repost my work as a part of your critique.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    S.F. Bay Area, CA - USA

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Yep, nice re-crop... I was good with the tone before, but the new one isn't too bad... Might be hair bright on the rocks and sky, but that could just be me...

    At the end of the day, who's your audience? Do you like it better now, or the way it was before?

  10. #10
    Member Adamo's Avatar
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    Temecula, Ca, United States

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Thanks Anbesol, I always respect your opinions.

    Thanks, Noknees. They are actually all completely seperate shots, and not crops of the same shot, and I like them all. I personally like the first one the best, but value to opinion of everyone in this forum very much, which is who my audience is for the pictures I post here.

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    Homebush West

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Anyone riding north taking the scenic route out of Fallbrook on Sandia Creek Rd watch out after taking the left at the stop sign by the Santa Margarita river crossing and going around the tight right hand curve where the cars park. Recently there has been a SLICK wet spot on the inside of that curve and I hit it going only 25-30 max and back tire slid out. It's a for sure high side area if you aren't careful. Other than that spot the rest of the road is great... just watch for cars pulling out on the blind curves! And the coyotes that love to run across the road at the wrong times

  12. #12
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Sandia Creek

    Quote Originally Posted by CameronBroadbent View Post
    Anyone riding north taking the scenic route out of Fallbrook on Sandia Creek Rd watch out after taking the left at the stop sign by the Santa Margarita river crossing and going around the tight right hand curve where the cars park. Recently there has been a SLICK wet spot on the inside of that curve and I hit it going only 25-30 max and back tire slid out. It's a for sure high side area if you aren't careful. Other than that spot the rest of the road is great... just watch for cars pulling out on the blind curves! And the coyotes that love to run across the road at the wrong times
    This was the most interesting spambot response I have ever seen in my life. What sophisticated machinery they have now.
    - Charlie

    Feel free to edit and repost my work as a part of your critique.

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