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The right horizon is about 3 pixels higher than the left, if it matters.
Maybe some would say the lump at the end of the harbour wall shouldn't be centred.
But it's not the subject so I don't care about that.
Gary - Very nice background, decent subject, good composition. The only part that I wish was different is the sail: I wish it had more color (maybe a rainbow). Also maybe the setting sun in the shot. But nice catch
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Feel free to edit and repost my photos as part of your critique.
It's terrifically pleasing .. the kind of thing that people would want on a wall. Sure it breaks a few rules (the boat IS rather on the left) but rules are made to be broken and the image works.
Thank you for your comments.
Paul, it is an interesting point about the end of the harbour wall being in the center. I had not even thought of that but it seems so obvious now and I can understand how it could be viewed as such.
The way I have seen this composition in it's basic and most simplest form is such as the diagram I have posted here. I have viewed the wall and boat as one such line with the sails giving the vertical lead in to the sky. I am still glad to know that it works for you in that regard. I have seen something now that I had not before, thanks.
Greg, thanks .
GB, actually, the sail did have more color but it ws more of the same color as the sky and it blended in rather than stand out. I desaurated it somewhat and dodged it out a bit.
Rod, thanks. I realize there is alot of sky and negative space here but that is somewhat the point and emphasis in this comp. It really is to me more about color and simple lines and shapes than it is about a boat on the water.
Mike, thanks for the comments and glad to hear it breaks some rules and still gets by . . .
Tyson, thanks.
“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams
The right horizon is about 3 pixels higher than the left, if it matters.
Wow ! How do you SEE these things?
I really like the overall photo, in the photo-taking moment I don't think there was possibly anything you could've done to make it better and it's a very serene subject
Thanks all for your time to comment.
If you pull your browser window up to the horizon line, it acts like a straight edge and you can see if it is straight or not. Paul is right about the 3pixels or so off at the one end
Frog, I appreciate you taking the time to give me the nod of approval nonetheless.
I really like this. I love the softness of the colors, and the simplicity. Everything looks so calm, and there's nothing really screaming out in the picture, which I like. Very nice!
I love the colors and your rendering of the sail is terrific.
My only comment is I wish it were shot from a slightly lower perspective (may not have been possible I understand). The horizon over the breakwall is not doing it for me. Perhaps if it were not visible over there and it cut across the mast of the sailboat instead of through the sail itself.
Thanks you John, EverlastingImpressions (can I call you Stephanie?)and Loupey
Loupey, good points about the horizon line and the lower vantage point. Truthfully, I was not even thinking about that and yes I could have knelt down. I actually like the horizon just over the breakrocks with the tips of the rocks touch the line and the gaps in between, but I do agree with your observation about the line cutting through the mast and under the sail. I think that would have given the sailboat more dimension and let the sail stand out stronger.
I always appreciate your viewpoint.
This ticks all the boxes for me. It has solitude and calm written all over it. I´m so glad that the horizon was not covered by the piece of land. The little island in the distance is magical.
I have a total lack of respect for anything connected with society, except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer. Brendan Behan
I like this picture. I like all of the empty sky in the picture because it just makes everything seem so serene. I think this is a beautiful picture you caught it at the right time. good job.
Thanks for your comments.
Tom, glad you feel that way about the breakrocks and the horizon. I felt strongly about tha, but do feel as Loupey pointed out the line could have been better going through the mast rather than the sail. I could not have had both here.