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Wow, that's a very cool shot. Congrats! I like the centered composition in this instance and I really like the colors you've captured. It seems on a second glance that the stone face is a touch overexposed, but it's so slight I hardly think it matters.
Nice work!
Peer through the scope with an amoral code...
-Naked Raygun
Thanks for the comment. I didn't think many would like this because it is kinda weird. On the other hand, how could you not find this image interesting?
Nice shot, even though I never cared for this type of sculpture/portraiture (a little too figurative for me). The thing sure blends into the background, which is kinda neat..
This is a good example of a situation where the subject works better centered. I really like the tones and the textures. I wouldn't say that the face is overexposed although I guess that the brightness of the whole picture could be slightly turned down.
The "blob" is another rock. I left it in to purposely pull attention away from the face. The idea was to give a feeling of excavation.
The decision has been made, and due to my musical background, this has been donated to a "unsigned" group, it will appear on their demo cover. I just hope they make it big!