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Thread: Rock the Boat

  1. #1
    Member xsport652's Avatar
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    New Jersey

    Rock the Boat

    I took this A while ago and forgot to post. I like how the posts are in focus and boat isn't. Any opinions and what else i could do to it.

  2. #2

    Re: Rock the Boat

    Quote Originally Posted by xsport652
    I took this A while ago and forgot to post. I like how the posts are in focus and boat isn't. Any opinions and what else i could do to it.
    How did you got this effect? LensBaby? I like the depth and the selective sharpness.
    The colors and the lighting that you have caught are quite striking.

    I am not sure if the composition would work if the picture was totally sharp but it pretty much look like a strange (in a good way) scene coming out of a dream as it currently stands.

    Neat stuff


  3. #3
    Member xsport652's Avatar
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    New Jersey

    Re: Rock the Boat

    As you know boats and floating docks rock in the water. So with the stationary pilings and a long exposure it made it blurry.

  4. #4

    Re: Rock the Boat

    Quote Originally Posted by xsport652
    As you know boats and floating docks rock in the water. So with the stationary pilings and a long exposure it made it blurry.
    It makes sense! I didn't figured that one. I should have known that this was a long exposure considering the lighting... oh well... I like it.


  5. #5
    good for your heart steaktaco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Rock the Boat

    I would crop it so the two posts aren't so central.

    my issues areā€”the posts are somewhat centered but not completely; the dock is kinda parallel to the frame but not enough; the horizon is sorta level but not really.

    decentering the composition will make those "imperfections" all the more natural. right now it feels like you attempted a geometrically symmetric composition (hard to do) but didn't quite make it there.

    anyone else feel that way?

    that said I like the lighting. were you tungsten balanced? I also like the way water gets silky on long exposures.
    teehee <- - - poohoopsies

  6. #6
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    Beijing, China

    Re: Rock the Boat

    I like this too. I kind of like the "slantedness" of the shot. Adds to the surreal feel of it all. It's like it's getting ready to slip off. I also think it's neat how the clouds seem sharper toward the back of the photo and get less sharp as they come to the fore, even though the poles are sharper in the fore than the items toward the back. What fun!

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

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