Photo Critique Forum

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    I was just playing with my red bud pics I took last month. Not totally happy with them. They weather was drizzly for the most part while they were blooming. I really wanted blue skys as a background. Oh well.

    All I did PP on these was adjust the levels. I deepened the shadows and brightened the highlights and midtones. Highlights in an attempt to get a "high key" background out of the greyish sky and midtones to bring out the flowers a bit.

    EDIT: here are two variations of the same shot - couldn't decide which I liked better.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    bozeman, mt, united states

    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    I really like this shot. Really great vibrant colors. Nice work.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Copy_Kot's Avatar
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    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    Ravenmore, this is not an intention to be insulting, please do not take it as such. I'm going to be blunt about these.

    The DOF is way off in both images.

    Out of focus objects in the foreground never work. Out of focus objects with cyan fringe is even worse.

    Having branches in front of the light and light pole does not work. Having a pile of dead bugs inside the glass enclosure is not attractive.

    In the second image a large branch appears to be growing into the light pole on one side, and growing out of the light pole on the other.

    A washed-out sky kills an image. The only time I will keep an image with a washed-out sky, is if it is my first time photographing a certain bird... they get deleted very quickly.

    Photographing objects halfway up like a light pole or tree branch rarely works.

    Sometimes you have to just pass on an image and except that you can't save it with your software... spend your time working on composing better images. I'm starting to believe that PS and other programs have begun to stunt the growth of photographers.

  4. #4
    Senior Member jkriminger's Avatar
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    Davie, Fl

    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    with that said....i like the second better...very pretty picture.

  5. #5
    I hate intrusive advertising! Bye PR HowLowCanYaGo's Avatar
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    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    Personally, sometimes a blurry foreground image makes the feel of the photograph more dramatic - maybe I have no artistic edge, or maybe it is just my taste.

    These shots are gorgeous.
    HLCYG no longer visits this forum

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    Dang - tough crowd, lol. ;) (hehe - Copy Kot)

    I disagree with you a little about the washed out sky, there are times you can work with it. I see your other points. Perhaps it would've been better to abandon the shot altogether, but I was trying to work with what I had. T

    I had to crop the way I did because there was stuff just off frame in pretty much all directions I didn't want in the picture (this was shot in an apartment complex - the buildings would have shown if I had shot lower, for example.). The wind was blowing and it was overcast. That was about the smallest aperature I could shoot at and still get a sharp picture. I see your point about the bugs (which I think is actually just dirt) - I didn't notice that in the shot.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Copy_Kot's Avatar
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    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmore
    Dang - tough crowd, lol. ;) (hehe - Copy Kot)

    I disagree with you a little about the washed out sky, there are times you can work with it. I see your other points. Perhaps it would've been better to abandon the shot altogether, but I was trying to work with what I had. T
    Some times an image with washed out sky can be save by converting it to a B&W. Photography has become the number one passion in my life so I know what it's like wanting to make best of a bad situation... sometimes you just have to wait for a better day.

    And looking at the light again, I think the bugs are actually part of the light fixture. The dark spot looked like the bugs that collect in those glass enclosures.

  8. #8
    Firefighter Tyson L. Sparks's Avatar
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    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    One word,,,,,,,,,,,,Reshoot

    How can I be lost
    If I've got nowhere to go?

    Sony a55 16-50mm 2.8 ssm Minolta 50mm 70-300 dt 5.6

  9. #9
    Member Yarrow's Avatar
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    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    I'm for certain no critic..I just wanted to say that I think its very pretty.
    ~And this is a good day~

    ~Yes please,..ask me if you can edit my photos. The need help.

  10. #10
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    i like where you are going with this image, and you have most certainly achieved what you were aiming for, as it is a high key image. Most of the times I agree about the washed out sky, but I think in this case a blue cloudy sky would ruin this shot. I like the business and the foreground elements, and like the second shot. the first one is too bright and loses detail with the light wrapping around the OOF elements.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    Thanks - I kept waiting for better weather but didn't ever get it. The leaves were starting to come in and the flowers on other trees that had bloomed earlier were starting to drop. I knew the blossoms weren't going to be there much longer so I had to take my shot while I could. I know they're not perfect. Thanks for the criticisms however - I'll consider them next year when the blooms return.

  12. #12
    Senior Member jkriminger's Avatar
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    Davie, Fl

    Re: Red buds - Austin, TX March 07

    we dont have that kinda tree down here....Fun to look at.

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