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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2010

    Recent snow as my first post

    These were taken several weeks ago with my point and shoot digital. Any and all comments welcome. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    I like them... Nothing in the scenes are really eye catching in my opinion though... Just looks like... trees in the snow. It might be how they are cropped or something, I dunno. I love how pure and untouched the snow on the ground is though. I love that blank white sheet before anyone has come along and tromped through it.
    Newbie to DSLRs, loving my Canon T1i-a recent upgrade from my first camera love-PowerShot A640

    Feel free to ask me to edit my photos!

  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    Welcome to the forums!

    You did well with difficult light.
    I like the second better as I think your foreground subject in the first is too chopped.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Denver Colorado Area

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    snow is hard. shadow in the first is the best part.

  5. #5
    Member Canyon Hiker's Avatar
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    Foresthill, Ca

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    Welcome! Like daq said snow can be difficult, even more so with a P&S. The sensor gets confused in and will usually step it down up to two stops. Your pictures look exposed pretty good, and I see what you were going for. The shadow in pic #1 caught my eye. I did a few adjustments to it and I will post it up if it's ok with. I also did a B&W conversion.
    If you have the original you might want to crop it lower and shift the whole image to the right,leave more of the trees to the right.If you cut the tree to the left to the top of the tallest tree on the right it might flow better, and it might make the eyes draw more toward the shadow. Try decreasing you blue a bit in RGB and increasing the contrast and or mid-tones. This will give the snow more contour and depth .
    I hope you don't mind my rambling, but I shoot snow landscapes on a regular basis and I know how tricky it can be. I also see pictures that some thing are lost, but with a few adjustments they can turn into a spectacular photos. Keep up the good work, I look forward to your future posts.

    "There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but only one view"
    "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus".
    "Whenever man comes up with a better mousetrap, nature immediately comes up with a better mouse."

  6. #6
    Dyslexics of the world Untie! Nicci's Avatar
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    Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    I agree, snow is hard to shoot. I love the shadow in the first one.

    Welcome to the forum!

    All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
    Nikon D90 newbie
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  7. #7
    A picture is a present you give yourself shootme's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    Like the first shot too Nicci, the lighting looks fine to me, good time of day to play with shadows on the snow. Welcome and keep'm coming.
    :thumbsup: Shootme...

    Please don't edit and re-post or use my images (not that you'd want to anyway...). without my written permission. Thank you

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2010

    Re: Recent snow as my first post

    Thanks for the comments everyone. The shadow in the first one is what caught my eye, I tried several different angles but, this one was the best in that it showed the most of the shadow.

    The second one did not show exactly what I was trying for. If you go straight down the center to the point where the trees are in the middle the trail splits to the left and right. Of course the snow hides the trail so unless you know it's there the the point is lost. Canyon Hiker, ramble all you want, I am here to learn. Feel free to post your adjustments and conversions I look forward to seeing them.

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