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Good exposure except on left where the leaves are somewhat washed out as is the boys back.
I would like a little wider and lower composition as the boys foot is almost off frame and I'd like to see more of the bottom. I don't think you'd lose anythign by losing some of the top.
Nice shot and I like the setting with the fall colors. Might be worth a re-shoot in softer light.
I actually like it before the crop, fwiw....:thumbsup:
"No matter whether a person belongs to the upper or lower ranks, if he has not put his life on the line at least once, he has cause for shame" Nabeshima Naoshige (1538-1618, A.D.)
I think this is one of your best captures I have seen. I do like the uncropped version the best. Just an idea I personally would try shooting lower to the ground and instead of square on shot at a little bit of an angle so the boys front is a little more visible. Just a thought.
I think this is one of your best captures I have seen. I do like the uncropped version the best. Just an idea I personally would try shooting lower to the ground and instead of square on shot at a little bit of an angle so the boys front is a little more visible. Just a thought.
Ray Still
Thanks Ray.
I like the idea of shooting lower.....unfortunatly, angling it so the boys front is visible requires some real crap behind him.
I agree the original is a bit better because of the additional space below the frame. Including a bit more of the pedestal might not be a bad thing. It's a busy background, but the greenish toned staues stand out against the orange and yellow leaves. I don't think this could work in any other season as it does with these colors.
Very nice.
Very interesting and original, Len. I find the dark statues against the bright background intriguing. I see why you stopped at the lower pt but not sure why you were so tight on the left and right side, but perhaps you wanted the bottom and sides to balance (I would have given more space on the sides, but..). I like how you left space at the top, but I wish someone had tossed a ball up there as if they were playing with it. All in all, a very different shot
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The reason I'd like to see more of the base is that it just doesn't seem right to have them perched on the frame of the may disagree and that's fine...just my opinion.
The reason I'd like to see more of the base is that it just doesn't seem right to have them perched on the frame of the may disagree and that's fine...just my opinion.
Thanks Frog. I understand exactly what you are saying.....I actually did take one with more base showing and I found it to be both a distraction and it made the statues smaller in the picture. I did not keep it unfortunatly, or I could show you what I mean.
I may go back & reshoot, but I suspect I've lost the vibrant colors.