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Never been to Hong-Kong but the color seems off here, Yo-Yo.
Too warm. I can see there is lots of red in the shot but it seems to be a cast everywhere.
Like those bananas and the sign in back aren't really yellow.
I like the composition and just the right amount of people to make it interesting.
Wow! A lot going on there. I could look at that photo for a long time. So many details. But I agree with Frog. I was immediately struck by the overwhelming "orange" of it all. Who knows maybe it looks that way in person.
I thought the same thing at first glance, but look at the walk-in cooler doors (back left & Right) they are not tinted, nor are any of the items in the center refrigerated reach-in case. You can see a single "warm white" fluerescent bulb at the left front contrasting the "cool white" further back. The pendant lightbulbs are also white. The floor is not tinted beyond the steps where the fluerescent lighting picks up, also note the meat in the right center case loses it's tint further back. This is probably VERY close to what you'd see if you were standing there.
It coould be the cast given by those light shades and I agree some stuff doesn't look tinted but mostly the area under those lights.
Glad I looked again.