This was taken in Zions natl park, upon a mighty cliff with severe winds. It is not posed (I never do posed portraits). I was just shooting in motor drive my girlfriend, and got home to find this one. It's funny because, again, it's not a pose, and she wasn't holding that position, that is just a fraction of a second of her face between words telling me to stop taking pictures. A instant too soon or too late and I wouldn't have gotten it.
It's printed out 24x18 and hung up, and without fail, every single person who sees it comments on it on how "great" it is or some variation of it, usually saying something about the hair. After about 15 people commenting on this alone, i figured I'd post it here and see what you think. It's not really something I could go back and do again, of course, it was just serendip.
Taken with the Drebel and the Sigma 105mm Macro.