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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    I was wondering if I could get some ideas on how to improve the shot. It was taken at 4 pm, in a valley about 70 feet wide, and about 250 feet down. I was using a Nikon D1X, ISO set at 125, shutter speed 100, Fstop at an F11, with a polarizer filter on it. I'm letting this be known up front since I was told on another site not to shoot this mid day. 15 minutes after we shot this, the area she is in was completely in shadows. Between the light and shadows, there was at least a 6 Fstop difference. Any ideas?

    Thanks for your help in advance.


    ooopS! I have to resize the image quick... be right there!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ran out of running water....((nude Image))-steph032.jpg  
    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, camera in one hand, a beer in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

  2. #2
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Hi Ken,
    I think you did a good job given the strong light. I like how you balanced the sky exposure (with the polorizer). On an execution side, it may have been worth a try to have your model stay perfectly still for a while to strengthen her reflection.

    To get to your question, I'm not familiar with the D1x, but can you change the tone curve imbedded in the raw file (like you can on the D70)? If so I'd start off with the low contrast one, and then work from there. Unfortunately, I'm not a PP wizard. I'll look forward to what others recommend.

    Samurai #17 |;^\

  3. #3
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    You post on another site!
    I would agree, the quality of light here isn't quite right. In my humble opinion, half of the equation, if you will, in nude photography is a good quality of light.
    And the light here is right inbetween being harsh and soft. Maybe what you could have done in this particular spot is use a soft focus filter or something. Otherwise, maybe you could look for a different spot like this, with the water.
    I like the reflection, it's rather sensual!
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  4. #4
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Have you tried converting this to black and white? I think it would work very well if you remove the color. As it is, there isn't enough drama in the light. But a good black and white conversion, using the Photoshop Channel Mixer adjustment layer, would make it a very different photo. I'm thinking Edward Weston...

    I agree with Brian about the ripples in the water. For me, they're the most interesting part of the photo. They make me want to touch the water. Curious that the water is more compelling that the nude woman...

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  5. #5

    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Quote Originally Posted by ArmySSG
    I was wondering if I could get some ideas on how to improve the shot. It was taken at 4 pm, in a valley about 70 feet wide, and about 250 feet down. I was using a Nikon D1X, ISO set at 125, shutter speed 100, Fstop at an F11, with a polarizer filter on it. I'm letting this be known up front since I was told on another site not to shoot this mid day. 15 minutes after we shot this, the area she is in was completely in shadows. Between the light and shadows, there was at least a 6 Fstop difference. Any ideas?

    Thanks for your help in advance.


    ooopS! I have to resize the image quick... be right there!
    Hello, I think that I would prefer the light to be a tad softer but the thing that draw my attention at first was the colors (a bit muted with a strange cast). Since you were using a polarizer, I'd try to use the filter in order to exagerate the reflection of the water even more (which would saturate the colors at the same time). I think that this would add some dynamism and sensuality to the picture. I like your composition.


  6. #6
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    Sierra Vista, AZ

    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Thanks for the ideas and input. I tried converting it to a B&W shot, and here is the overall result.

    I think part of the problem is that the rocks are so smooth and shiny from all of the water that normally runs rapidly over them, that it's causing a major issue with getting them right. Also, it's 250 feet down in a north south running canyon. With the sun going east-west, and not shooting at mid day, I'm going to end up with reflections off of the walls, and everything else (which could also cause a problem). Or am I just way off base in my thinking?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ran out of running water....((nude Image))-stephb_w.jpg  
    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, camera in one hand, a beer in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

  7. #7
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Conversion Method?

    How did you do that conversion? You didn't use the Channel Mixer did you? What I'm envisioning is black and white shot with a red filter. The sky should be very black and there should be a lot more contrast in the rocks. Want me to give it a shot and post the results?

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  8. #8
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Photo John,

    Go for it! I can always take lessons and learn.......I'm smart enough to know that...

    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, camera in one hand, a beer in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

  9. #9
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Ken, very nice attempt. As I am still too new to comment on the technical points of the shot, I will comment on my overall thoughts. My first impression was of your model. I first thought of the Rubenesque models. Very refreshing. I usually prefer colors, but I must agree in this case with the others that the b/w works exceptionally well. I am really interested in seeing what PJ comes up with as b/w digital is new to me...heck, everything is new to me...haha...
    Look forward to seeing much more from you.
    Also, Ken....hahahaha

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  10. #10
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Ken --

    All comments are welcome, regardless of the time here. A "new" eye can always add something others may have forgotten.
    Believe it or not, it wasn't our idea to shoot nudes that day. It was just after the hike there though, and she said forget the clothes, in I go. After 5 minutes of realizing that she wasn't going to put clothes back on, we did a shoot with her like that.
    I'm going to post a corrected version of the original image. I went through alot of the stuff on Photoshop, and found that in order to get the actual colors that were there, I needed a photo filter, cooling filter #80. This is the actual look we had that day.
    Oh, by the way, yes Ken, ya gotta luv it!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ran out of running water....((nude Image))-steph032corrected.jpg  
    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, camera in one hand, a beer in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

  11. #11
    Senior Member OldSchool's Avatar
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Hi Ken,

    Much nicer. I didn't even realize that there was a color-cast in your first submission until I looked at this. The sky comes of much better as well as the skin tones. I think you got it.

    Here is a crazy idea though.... Re-crop this into a landscape format cutting out the sky entirely. What I'm thinking of is the reflection in the fg, your subject, and then some (but not much) of the interesting rock in the bg. I think it will make the image lass complex.... bringing better focus to your subject. Might work... Might not....

    Samurai #17 |;^\

  12. #12
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Quote Originally Posted by OldSchool
    Hi Ken,

    Much nicer. I didn't even realize that there was a color-cast in your first submission until I looked at this. The sky comes of much better as well as the skin tones. I think you got it.

    Here is a crazy idea though.... Re-crop this into a landscape format cutting out the sky entirely. What I'm thinking of is the reflection in the fg, your subject, and then some (but not much) of the interesting rock in the bg. I think it will make the image lass complex.... bringing better focus to your subject. Might work... Might not....

    Yes Ken, that remake is much better. I tried a quick crop as Tim suggested, and I can see what he is trying to say and I think it would work wonderfully...This could imho be cropped several different ways, depending on what you want to do...maybe you could work a series with different crops and filters...

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  13. #13
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Ken - I like the overall composition and although the lighting isn't perfect, it really isn't that bad either considering you shot this out in the desert. I've shot lots of photos out there and this one is above average as far as lighting - unless you have a really good day of hazy that dampens the harshness of the light, and that cannot be perdicted or controlled unless you have a model ready to go on a day's notice.

    However - one thing: the model's pose isn't as flattering as I think it could have been. This angle makes her abs seem a little too padded (like mine, maybe). Some of the other suggestions here seem worth a try. If she was leaning back a little it might have helped, I am not sure. Anyways, food for thought


  14. #14
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    Re: Ran out of running water....((nude Image))

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    Ken - I like the overall composition and although the lighting isn't perfect, it really isn't that bad either considering you shot this out in the desert. I've shot lots of photos out there and this one is above average as far as lighting - unless you have a really good day of hazy that dampens the harshness of the light, and that cannot be perdicted or controlled unless you have a model ready to go on a day's notice.

    However - one thing: the model's pose isn't as flattering as I think it could have been. This angle makes her abs seem a little too padded (like mine, maybe). Some of the other suggestions here seem worth a try. If she was leaning back a little it might have helped, I am not sure. Anyways, food for thought



    Thanks for the ideas. However, with this particular lady (A whopping 4"11", 115 lbs), no matter how I seemed to pose her, it seemed that thick was it. Also, the rock she was on was only so big. I don't know if she could have leaned back any further without a big splash happening.
    This in one reason why I love to post here. Great ideas from alot of sources. Great way to learn.....
    By the way GB, I like the Heartbreak Hotel image.

    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, camera in one hand, a beer in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

  15. #15
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    BW Conversions

    I forgot that I was going to try a B&W conversion for you. I just saw this thread again and remembered. So here are a couple versions. The Photoshop Channel Mixer adjustment layer allows you to adjust a color image as if you were using red, greem, and blue filters with black and white film. I made screen shots showing the Channel Mixer adjustment layer dialogue box, so you could see exactly what I did. I didn't make any changes besides the Channel Mixer adjustments you can see in these screen shots.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Ran out of running water....((nude Image))-army_bwsample1.jpg   Ran out of running water....((nude Image))-army_bwsample2.jpg  

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  16. #16
    Member Aaron's Avatar
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    Re: BW Conversions

    I really think you have two photographs here,the one with your lovely model,and a scenic. I like the way Photo John has done the B & W conversion as well, but other the B & W and color versions (I like your second one best) look better to me cropped so as not to include the sky -- wonderful shot though.

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