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Ifly-- To me it just doesn't pop. The photo seems washed out or dull. It looks like you were working under pretty grey skies, so that might have a lot to do with it. Maybe a touch of contrast would work. Also, I think this one would be better if you got a little closer, and maybe made the person atop the bridge the focal point. You might get better suggestions from others on the forum, this is JMO.;) John
It is washed out as John pointed out and could use a good adjustment in your photo editing software. The composition is ok, but the subject and your point of view here are not very exciting. Focusing on the person on the bridge would have been more interesting, or taking the shot from the right side whcih appear to look like a stream running through.
Yeah, I don't especially like this picture, or any from this set for that matter. Bad day to shoot, overcast and probably too late, and couldn't get any ideas i felt were good. Just figured i'd see what you had to think. Any other ideas for utelizing the bridge and drain in a different way?
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"Every silver lining's got a/ Touch of grey"
Hmmmm it doesn't do anything for me. It's actually dull and lifeless. Sorry that's very blunt but that's how I want people to be with me or I'll never learn.
Maybe you could try a colour balance on it and some contrast.