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Thread: A quick meal ?

  1. #1
    monkey44 monkey44's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cape Cod, MA, USA

    A quick meal ?

    Can anyone tell me what this Anhinga is eating? Can't quite figure it out. Might be a frog, or some other amphibian ... If I crop and upsize it, just gets very fuzzy, but maybe there's a better way than I know to do that and stay clear

    Name:  PhotoForum01.JPG
Views: 74
Size:  168.3 KB

    It was lower in the bird's throat earlier, but is actually climbing out (it appears, anyway) as I have a couple series shots where the prey is almost gone down the throat, but then got 'bigger' ... like it's fighting the swallow ... One of the weirdest series of shots I've ever taken ....

    This shot was about 150ft+ across a pond in Flamingo Florida (Everglades), and couldn't get closer. Watched about fifteen minutes and still no 'swallow' ... a real standoff

    Shot with Canon 30D and Canon 100/400 IS lens at 400mm ... f11 and 1000 at 400 ISO

    Any ideas about the prey, or comments ... thanks BD

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: A quick meal ?

    I'm not too sure about the prey - if you can't see it at high resolution on your computer then it's highly unlikely we'll be able to see anything more!
    I guess shooting at f11 needs a little care when dealing with messy backgrounds. The fact that the bird is of similar colour as the tree branches doesn't help as well. Then again such opportune shots don't give the photographer much time to tweak their settings, so it's quite understandable

  3. #3
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: A quick meal ?

    This shot is way too busy, all of the branches obscure the detail of the subject, all monotone. As Jay said though, if you can't tell at full resolution what the bird is eating, we certainly wouldn't be able to tell on an 300 pixel wide image.
    - Charlie

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