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  1. #1
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    The Pyramids of Neenah

    Here's one from a day a few months ago when I took several shots that I posted of other subjects. Just spotted this one tonight while looking up one of the others.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Pyramids of Neenah-01.jpg  

  2. #2
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Quote Originally Posted by Chunk
    Here's one from a day a few months ago when I took several shots that I posted of other subjects. Just spotted this one tonight while looking up one of the others.
    Nice find after having overlooked it. Nice light and the patterns and shadows are great. My only nit on this images is the oblong projection on the upper right top portion of the frame. I keep coming back to it and thinking it some how doesn't belong. I don't thing there is enough pattern left if you crop it out, but if you had a frame where it ws not included I think you have an overall stronger image. Very nice photo as is however.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

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  3. #3
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    I agree about the thing in the upper right, but besides that I really think it's just amazing

  4. #4
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Thanks to both OT and MTBsSd for looking and commenting. I intentionally framed this with "Neenah" in the picture because it is a familiar name in the area. I also like to have a break in the pattern in some of my pattern shots. As you can see in the wider shot here, there wasn't a lot of space between the Neenah bar at the upper right and the similar USA bar at the lower left.

    I didn't shoot any squared away shots which would have left an unbroken pattern but been more boring imho. I did shoot one including the USA but somebody must have jarred my elbow 'cause it was blurry.

    Because of your comments I'll be thinking about those things more when I have a pattern in the viewfinder.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Pyramids of Neenah-02.jpg  

  5. #5
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Chunk, where on earth are these pyramids ? Btw my name is spelled Nina not Neenah.

  6. #6
    Senile Member
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Very creative, shows a great eye to see this shot!

  7. #7
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Quote Originally Posted by Nina
    Chunk, where on earth are these pyramids ? Btw my name is spelled Nina not Neenah.
    Nina! Y'know, I've lived in Wisconsin for 39 years now, and I've never made that connection until you just pointed it out!!
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  8. #8
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Nina's pointy things

    hehehehe. Sorry about the misspelling.
    The pyramid effect seemed much stronger to me on the full res original...or maybe it was the wine.

  9. #9
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Thanks Bajan. I'm not sure a great eye is as important as a twisted mind.

  10. #10
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    I grew up thinking the town's name was Neenahmenasha.

  11. #11
    seenyourmember villenadecorte's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Chunk this is a very creative AWESOME (not great haha!) shot. Truly your eye for patterns and seeing things on a different scale amazes me. Maybe its the early morning (sans coffee) playing tricks on my eyes, but on the whole pic the pyramids look inverted, whereas on your cropped version they look like pyramids.
    I would love to have a whole series of your patterns up on the wall!


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  12. #12
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Quote Originally Posted by villenadecorte
    Chunk this is a very creative AWESOME (not great haha!) shot. Truly your eye for patterns and seeing things on a different scale amazes me. Maybe its the early morning (sans coffee) playing tricks on my eyes, but on the whole pic the pyramids look inverted, whereas on your cropped version they look like pyramids.
    I would love to have a whole series of your patterns up on the wall!

    Who's gonna tell her? OK, I guess I will....Those are indentations on the manhole cover. They only look like pyramids because of an optical illusion and the power of suggestion from the title. They do not look like pyramids as easily on the wide shot because there are plenty of other indications for our brains to know that the light is coming from the lower left and not the upper right.

    Thanks for the complements. How many shots do you need and where do I send them? We could do a swap of inexpensive 8x10s if you want to PM your address to me.

  13. #13
    seenyourmember villenadecorte's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Chunk I knew that! Those old optical illusion posters used to be my favorite when I was younger.
    I was just noting on how different they look and how well the illusion works with the crop!

    Art is always and everywhere the secret confession, and at the same time the immortal movement of its time.
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  14. #14
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Chunk, great going with the patterns once again. At first look, I thought it could be an aerial shot of some geometric designs somewhere, but then saw the Neenah logo on top and doubted my first impression. Great eye for a shot, as usual. Yes, without the rest of the information from the original version, our eyes can be deceived. Just for thought, I think if you burn in the shadow detail (slightly more) in the cropped version, it may give an even stronger impression of these being pyramids rather than indentations. great work. Also, try agin without the Neenah logo in there and I think it would be perfect.
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  15. #15
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    I often tend to look at a pic and not read the other comments so as not to have a pre-conceived notion or pre-judge. I realize now that I should've read and paid closer attention to your posts, Chunk now realizing that this is in actuality a manhole cover. I was also trying to be a little funny with the name comparisons. Duh, I feel like such a dork. Nice image anyway.

  16. #16
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    I'm sorry Nina, I surely didn't mean for you to feel like that. I enjoyed the light comment about the spelling of the name thing. Maybe the exchange would have worked much better face to face. Damned computers, anyway. Your honest reaction means a lot to me. You have to realize that communication is NOT my strong suit.

    thanks for commenting and following up as well.

  17. #17
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Wow, that is neat. I love the colors and the angle is great. It has a real aerial feel to it. Saddly it is all ruined by the print in the corner, could you clone that out?
    John Cowan
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  18. #18
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: The Pyramids of Neenah

    Ha -- At first I thought they were tank traps! WWII all over again. Great creativitity (and excellant title , it takes a good eye to see stuff like this.

    Area for improvement: hmmm... It might have been even better if you could have shot at a little later (or earlier) in the day when the sun was at a lower angle, giving it more shadows and 3-dimensionality. Not sure what else could have been done to make it even better, it's quite good as is.


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