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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Aurora, Colorado USA

    Pumpkin painting

    Ive been experimenting with light painting, and while I am not fond of the light trails (usually too gimmicky for my taste) I thought it was kinda fun with the subject. Im gonna carve this bad boy soon and then try some more shots so I thought I would get some good feedback beforehand to use on a Jack-o-lantern!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Pumpkin painting-instrumental-060small.jpg   Pumpkin painting-pumpkin010small.jpg   Pumpkin painting-instrumental-058small.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    the light on the pumpkin looks best in the first or third shot. Depends what final look you're going for. You could try solving the light trail issue by
    1) face light away from camera at all times
    2) cover the end of the flashlight with some kind of homemade snoot. maybe some aluminum foil, cardboard, construction paper, etc (I'm assuming that part the issue is light leaking through the flashlight's plastic near the bulb)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Aurora, Colorado USA

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    Hey Caleb thanks for the reply. Sorry my original post was confusing, I was actually trying to achieve the red light trails in these photos, I thought it kinda looked mystical in a halloween theme. What I couldnt decide tho is if I liked the lighting on the pumpkin in the first photo (kinda water reflection effect) the last one (straight perspective lighting) or a combo of both (middle photo).

    I tried making a snoot out of various materials, I havent tried aluminum foil tho. Ill have to try that idea! Previously I was using various paper materials which allowed light to diffuse out of the sides of of snoot far too much and ruined the effect! Thanks for the input!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    I see. You're right I was mistaken, I thought you didn't want the trails. I personally prefer a mixture both ways of lighting it (the second way) although there is (clearly) a blown out spot in the one you posted. A couple more tries and you'd have it perfect!

    I also really like the trails in the second photo, it puts more emphasis on the pumpkin with a cool background

  5. #5
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    very cool. I wish I had thought of that, I really like the concept, and I think you executed it very well.

  6. #6
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Ft. Lauderdale

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    This is a really cool and creative idea! Other than the aforementioned hot-spot I really like the second shot best with the combination of both effects.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    The pumpkin certainly was a very cool subject to do this with. Like other said I like the second best, minus hot spot. I would like to see the tippy top tail of the light trail, it grabbed my attention pretty well and my eyes wanted to see above the frame. Its certainly a nit-pick though, great job!

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Oologah, Oklahoma

    Re: Pumpkin painting

    This is so cool -- I wish I knew the basics so I could move on to this kind of stuff!!!

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