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Thread: Pretty Bird

  1. #1
    Senior Member ChowChi-Ching's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Pretty Bird

    Shot from around 70-80 feet a way, and cropped to zoom in. I was freezing(12 degrees out here) and I am going to try to "reshoot" this again today after it warms up.......but all opinions about this would be wonderful.........Thanks!!

    Summer Katz
    Katz Photography

  2. #2
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Central Ohio

    Re: Pretty Bird

    This is how most people "see" birds. I would challenge you to go back and shoot it again at a completely different angle. Imagine how cool it would look:

    1) at a steeper angle so that the wire cuts across the frame more diagonally
    2) from directly underneath (watch out!) as a complete silhouette
    3) as a vertical shot looking straight down the wire (can't do it unless you work for the electric company)
    4) or even dead-on with the wire cutting perfectly horizontally

    Key is to try different looks while you got the chance.
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  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    N.Y. U.S.A.

    Re: Pretty Bird

    Loupey makes some good points, but i would say that even though this is a "common"point of view of a bird for most of us, you have placed it and the wire in a way that is very pleasing. It is a very nice composition. I'm actually wondering if you intentionally thought this out, because i know you like to center your subjects dead on. It appears a little soft in focus on my screen, and I suppose you may have been shivering in the cold, but other than wanting it to be a little sharper, it is a nice composition.
    btw, if you shoot this again, try to zoom in all the way you can and use a tripod or something to stabilize your camera so you do not have to crop so much.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  4. #4
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Beijing, China

    Re: Pretty Bird

    I can't believe I"m about to type this but, to me, the blue seems a little oversaturated. I also think that zooming in would help. He looks so lost with all that blue around him. That said. I really like the bird and I like the twisty black & white of the cable he sits on. It would be neat to see him sitting there but with the cable coming toward the viewer rather than sloping away. But it's a neat image! Did you manage to do it again?

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  5. #5
    Senior Member ChowChi-Ching's Avatar
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Pretty Bird

    I will try to re shoot tomorrow morning, we had construction people out across the street and it scared the birds away..... See If I can get some better angles.

    I DID shoot this intentionally with the bird off center(which was VERY hard for me by the way! LOL )
    I actually was zoomed in all the way, but this was a TINY bird.....I didn't even realize it was that yellow until I put the pic on the computer. Everytime I tried to get closer they would fly away, I may have to start bribing them so they associate me with food and won't leave when I come out! LOL
    Thank you all for your comments, I have a few ideas of other things to try now.......
    Summer Katz
    Katz Photography

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