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Your lighting is getting better and better. There's something funky going on with your R ring finger -- some blurry spot. Great drama the way you lit one eye. From your previous shots I recognize the shape of the chair which doesn't bother me -- what does bother me is the hard triangular shape formed by the something on the R and the top of the chair. I like the degree to which you lit your foreground hands as compared to the lesser light on your face and arm. Good ----- creepy ------- but good. Why "Precious??" Did I just say that!??
Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...
All can look. Few will see. Less will know.
The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.
Um.....I had to go google Gollum. I guess I missed Lord of the Rings. Now,that I have seen him -- you did an outstanding job - you're way better looking than he is.
Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...
All can look. Few will see. Less will know.
The Truth can be anything it will. I just want to know Truth.
Land of Vikings and Salty Black Licorice and ABBA!
Re: Precious
All opinions expressed by this person are purely that, opinions which means she doesn't actually know anything about photography.
Nikon D90 newbie
-------------------------------------- My sad little flickr account My project 365
Yes holding a candle. There is a flash with a honeycomb filter firing at my hands. There is supposed to be a backlight too, but it did not fire for this shot. But this is the only one that worked at all.
Funny thing is I figured holding a little votive candle would be fine, but trying to work in the dark and trigger the shot and all I burned myself with wax several times. But wax doesn't typically get hot enough to do any damage. We all suffer for our art I guesses...