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Great texture shots. I really like the first one with all the directions the grass is going in, but you need to crop out the top portion of the pic where your horizon is. It doesn't add anything to the overall feel, only detracts. I like the second one too, but I would like to see it in black in white, with a lot of contrast (like tri-x with a 4 filter). By far this is the best I have seen of your work.
Hell, there are no rules here-- we're trying to accomplish something.
Thomas A. Edison
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas A. Edison
I agree with zrfraser so I'll try not to duplicate anything. I'd love to read the back story on this. How and where did you find such interesting shots?
Let me just say this would be great computer wallpaper....among other uses.
Don, I like the first as well. The tint works well with the subject IMO and the "S" shaped undulation of the grass gracefully sweeps the eye from the lower left, through the image, and back around. The only thing I'm not real keen on is the beveled edges. It stops my eye before it's ready to stop. But overall, a neat image. It would be interesting to see what it would look like if it were taken at a lower angle or if there were some structures in the image, maybe closer to the horizon. It's just such an interesting texture it would be fun to see it in other ways.