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Some interesting info. comparing Mac and PC operating systems relating to posting images on the net. The first interesting question would be how many use PCs here and how many use Macs.
Mac systems apply gamma when they render images to the screen, which considerably boosts brightness. Windows applies no such gamma and equivalent images tend to be darker on the screen.
If you are a Mac user and most here are PC, then your perfectly exposed image according to your Mac monitor will look underexposed on our PC monitors. The answer for Mac users is to boost brightness 10 units before saving the PC version of the image.
The image will look too bright on a Mac monitor but perfect on a PC monitor.
A PC user in a Mac environment would do the reverse and decrease brightness 10 units before saving the Mac version of the image.
Hope this helps to sort out some "exposure" and "brightness" issues that may be occuring in Critique.