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Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    portrait of my son

    so here I was sitting in the backyard camera in hand and I saw this awesome shot just waiting to be taken. I shot it twice.. I like them both.. but can't decide which one is better.

    post correction: darkened the shadows a bit and added a bit more contrast.

    image 1

    image 2
    Shooting with an Olympus Evolt E-510 and loving it

    Equipment list:
    Olympus Evolt E-3, E-620, E-500
    Olympus Zuiko 40 - 150 F4.0 - 5.6
    Olympus Zuiko 14 - 45 F 2.8 - 3.6
    Sigma 50 - 500 F 4.0 - 6.3
    Sigma 70 - 200 F2.8
    Olympus FL-38 Flash x2
    Vivitar 285 HV
    Better Beamer Flash Extender

    A Photographer that is fluent in Sarcasm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Re: portrait of my son

    I like the top one better, the baby is smiling in that one. very cute! love the sharpness of the glasses and rather than the background being too busy, I kind of like the extra props you've got there.
    Feel free to edit/re-post my photos as you like

    Nikon Samurai #28

  3. #3
    Member ladybugamanda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Packwood, WA USA

    Re: portrait of my son

    Nice - and we can even see you!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Re: portrait of my son

    Lol yeah ... shooting a reflection its hard for the camera man to remain anonymous.

    I kind of like the extra props you've got there.
    Isn't it funny how the best pictures just happen? We had just finished doing some gardening and he was fussy so I sat down with him on my lap and then asked my oldest to go grab my camera so I could get the shot.
    Shooting with an Olympus Evolt E-510 and loving it

    Equipment list:
    Olympus Evolt E-3, E-620, E-500
    Olympus Zuiko 40 - 150 F4.0 - 5.6
    Olympus Zuiko 14 - 45 F 2.8 - 3.6
    Sigma 50 - 500 F 4.0 - 6.3
    Sigma 70 - 200 F2.8
    Olympus FL-38 Flash x2
    Vivitar 285 HV
    Better Beamer Flash Extender

    A Photographer that is fluent in Sarcasm.

  5. #5
    Liquid Photography
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nottingham, England

    Re: portrait of my son

    excellent post! love image 2 think it has loads of character! well done!

  6. #6
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hong Kong

    Re: portrait of my son

    Hi Jaedon,
    I like your idea a lot. The reflection of you and your son on each of the glass lens is wonderful.

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