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I really really like the first, great color, great capture and framing.
Image #2. too centered for me, good depth of field, but lacks that wow factor that the first gave me.
Image #3 good color but makes me want to see more of the sides of them... to see How they are layered one on top of the other, instead of straight down... Lighting is good,but want an angle I don't see often.
Image #4 I like the surface the leaf is on, good DOF here too, but the leaf looks a little soft on the lower end, i would like to see more crispness in the edges of the leaf in order for me to like this more.
Good Post!
What happens when you hit a Thousand?Should I watch for Balloons?
The shot of the mushroom has good potential. Maybe a little wider DOF. Some levels/contrast adjustment. The cropping, especially at the bottom, is a little too tight for me. It also may be a good candidate for B&W conversion.
I really like the first image the most. It is unusual to see the rays of light going upwards like that; good composition. The beautiful blue color is striking. I like the light, this shot is all about the light.
I don't care for the dead-center composition of the mushroom shot.
In the last image there is uneven color, some sort of arc on the righthand side of the shot, almost like lens flare (?) spanning the entire height of the shot.
The sunbeams through the clouds is impeccable- however I would like to see a little more at the bottom, the crop feels too sudden for me.
The Mushroom is great, dont convert to b/w- the colors are subtle and really add a wow factor for me against the whiteness of the mushroom. I'm noticing a little lost sharpness and pop on that mushroom, perhaps shooting from a little lower so that you are looking dead on to the front of the 'shroom would help?
The leaves are great, I wouldn't change anything
The second shot of just the single leaf is good- however its gets soft on the bottom. I think the DOF on that is great and I love the contrast of the rocks/dirt.
Thanks again for the comments. I'm not making any excuses, merely an explanation of the technicalities I had to deal with.
As for the cloud photo-- I would have shown more clouds at the bottom but I was in a clearing in the woods and there were trees at the sides and at the bottom.
The mushroom shot is just off the bottom edge in an attempt to eliminate distracting elements.
The single leaf photo is a little soft at the bottom because of the light was diffracted by the water in the stream. I'm not sure if a polarizer would have helped. .