I went out the other evening in search of yet another sunset, this time at a different beach on the bay, and was rewarded with one of the better sunsets we've had in a while. I set up my first shot (first below) and then started to move faster as the sunset progressed, moving for different angles. The three below are in order, and I may have spent 10 minutes carefully composing the first, two on the second and maybe one for the third as I was losing light. I can't remember what combination of filters I used on the first. The other two I believe I had my graduated ND8 and 2 stacked, for ND10. Setting range, but I was at 100 ISO, F18 or more, and shooting accordingly, around 1-3 seconds.
The first seems bright to me in the foreground, but then again I was capturing the last of the light on the beach, less focused on the sky. It may benefit from another different edit if it seems worthy. The vignetting is also quite extreme from the filters. Personally my favorite is the second. To all of these I did minor curves and brightness/contrast adjustments. I did not enhance any color; in fact, one shot I reduced the red to make it appear more real, as the filtering made it appear more saturated than it truly had been.
Thanks for looking! All comments and critiques welcome.