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  1. #1
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    Ok, here's one I did late last night. This plane (actually pink), hangs from the ceiling inside the entrance of the Kalamazoo Air Zoo. I cut and pasted the image onto a picture of some clouds I took a couple of years ago, and added a melted glass frame in MS Dig Im Pro 9. The colors may not match, but I wanted to see if I could use that plane in a different way. Feel free to let me know how you feel about it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    John, we gotta give ya a thumbs up for creativity.

    At first glance it looks great, but after looking harder some things become noticible.
    Couple things...
    Perhaps personal, but i HATE frames ;)
    Your lights sources (which you couldn't control) is directional, and from multiple directions, therefore do not work with the sky.
    On the tail area, you can still see a bit of the wires.

    I hate to be so negative, but it's just from personal experience shooting at our local air museum. Your framing and colors are great, as is your creative drive. It is really a tough situation to shoot in though, and make it not look like a museum.

    One thing I find this type of work useful for is stock use. You can white the entire BG and use it as a commercial "cutout", but you have to get permission from the museum director.

    Keep it up, they are getting better.

  3. #3
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by payn817
    John, we gotta give ya a thumbs up for creativity.

    At first glance it looks great, but after looking harder some things become noticible.
    Couple things...
    Perhaps personal, but i HATE frames ;)
    Your lights sources (which you couldn't control) is directional, and from multiple directions, therefore do not work with the sky.
    On the tail area, you can still see a bit of the wires.

    I hate to be so negative, but it's just from personal experience shooting at our local air museum. Your framing and colors are great, as is your creative drive. It is really a tough situation to shoot in though, and make it not look like a museum.

    One thing I find this type of work useful for is stock use. You can white the entire BG and use it as a commercial "cutout", but you have to get permission from the museum director.

    Keep it up, they are getting better.
    LOL..........I keep forgetting how much people hate frames;) . Well, like I said, It was late, and I didn't really pay attention to was mainly for effect. I mainly wanted to see how such a photo would work pasted into a different scene. These are things I can improve on, to be sure......and I need more sky pictures;)
    Thanks payn

  4. #4
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    You did a great job on the cutout. One thing that you have to think about when doing that kind of thing is the direction of light, and the shapes of that light.

    As I mentioned, at first glance, it looked impressive. To some it may work, but since I have shot in those situations, and am into planes, it is easier to find simple flaws.

    You are heading in the right direction though.

  5. #5
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    WOOHOO! Well done John. Hey, for a first attempt, I think you did a bang up job. And not everyone hates frames (remember, I use them!). Just don't use them here. Otherwise Payn a pain!

    I agree about the lighting. I don't know if you have a lighting filter in your program, but if you do, you might be able to play around with it to get a more natural effect. Just a thought.

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

  6. #6
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    Well, the big problem was of course, the lighting. In the original picture, light was coming from the outside onto the left wing, so there's that problem, then I had the light coming from the overhead, so there was another. Throw in the selection I used of some clouds...well, those weren't the best. I played around with a couple of different ways of doing the picture this afternoon. It was mainly fooling around to see what I could do, so I really had no master plan. It is something to remember for future reference however, and I thank you payn and D for the comments. Here's a different look-----

    Last edited by swmdrayfan; 02-16-2006 at 06:34 PM.

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    I'm tempted to send this to my ex-Navy-Figher-Pilot boss, but I'm not sure how he'd take it.

    The effect is pretty well done, though you can tell it isn't real. Sort of like Pop Art. I think it's successful. Well done!


  8. #8
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: The Pink P-40---your opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    I'm tempted to send this to my ex-Navy-Figher-Pilot boss, but I'm not sure how he'd take it.

    The effect is pretty well done, though you can tell it isn't real. Sort of like Pop Art. I think it's successful. Well done!

    Thanks GB. I need lots of work on my cutout skills, so I practice when I can.

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