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Thread: Pink

  1. #1
    Just Lurking
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Pleasanton, CA, USA


    I've had this in the gallery for a few days, but I really want to run this past everyone here. I'm really mixed on this shot, but I'm struggling to figure out what I could do differently. Any thoughts from the enlightened folks here? How about the unenlightened folks?


  2. #2
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    Re: Pink

    I love the composition here--as always it would have been better if the bird were facing you.

  3. #3
    Just Lurking
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    Apr 2007
    Pleasanton, CA, USA

    Re: Pink


    Thanks for looking and commenting. I asked him very nicely to turn around and he just ignored me. Must be camera shy


  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
    Moderator GB1's Avatar
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    Re: Pink

    Yeah the composition is good. I think I'd have a little more space at the top, but that's that on composition.

    As for the rest of the photo, it's good a classical framed photograph look, the kind of shot you could see in a nice environment with a contemporary or even Victorian frame. I like the reflection a lot, but the bird itself seems to lack definition, esp in the feathers area... it seems blown out in intensity, destroying a lot of detail there. Probably exactly how it was though - these birds seems to like the bright sun. Plus, that helps w/ reflections.

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  5. #5
    AutoX Addict Mr Yuck's Avatar
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    Re: Pink

    Beautiful shot.

    I like the black background and the rippled reflection.

    Could use some room at the top as GB1 said and as Don said, it would be a bit better if the bird were facing you, but what can ya do?
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  6. #6
    Just Lurking
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    Apr 2007
    Pleasanton, CA, USA

    Re: Pink

    Thanks G & Mr. Yuck. I see what everyone is saying about the added room at the top. I was trying to keep this to 4x6 ratio (although I'm not sure why) and if I went higher at the top I was losing the reflections at the bottom. I don't have all that much room to work with anyway because I was zoomed in quite a bit as it was.

    I'm not completely sure about the detail in the feathers. In the original you can see reasonable detail in the individual feathers, although they are brighter than I would like. Maybe I should try to tone them down some.

    Thanks again for commenting. I really appreciate the feedback.


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