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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    The Photographer

    Jambo (Hello) -

    Just got back from Africa ... trying to edit about 900 shots so am a little inundated with stuff..

    Taken from the slopes of Kilimanjaro at one of the camp sites at daybreak, where the mountain in the distance is Mount Meru, I decided to use the shadow instead of cropping it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Photographer-_dsc9035_px800.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Herriot's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    This is an interesting usage of your shadow and I like that you have turned something that typically would be cropped out, to create a well composed shot made up of a number of different layers. What is the shadow being cast from the left of the frame? It is quite intriguing!

  3. #3
    Senior Member danic's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    That shadow has me thinking as well. It looks like a jellyfish!

    I like the "blandness" of the photo, and as always, your shots are well composed, in my books anyway. Can't wait to see more of your photo's from Africa.

    George Zimbel: Digital diahhrea is a disease for which there is a simple cure. Take one frame of a scene. It is exquisite training for your eye and your brain. Try it for a month. Then try it for another month…then try it for another month…..


  4. #4
    A picture is a present you give yourself shootme's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    A pano could have worked here? I see you also used a tripod. I Look forward to see some of the other 900.
    :thumbsup: Shootme...

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  5. #5
    Katydid armywife1984's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    I like the shadow, sometimes the "mistakes" can really make a picture alot more interesting. without the shadow it would have been "just" another mountain shot.
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  6. #6
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: The Photographer

    Herriot, Danic - Thanks, and I have no idea at this time what that other "jellyfish" shadow is! I will have to investigate that one, but it looks like some sort of banner on the top of a pole (?) Guess I didn't really notice!

    Shootme - I have yet to get a pano that doesn't look like it was stitched. I did shoot a series elsewhere though, and a series for an HDR. I have to put all that together and see what I have (in the other 899). How is the Netherlands, btw? I stopped in Amsterdam airport and was very surprised that all the signs were in English! Everybody spoke it too.. I guess the Common Market did that.

    AW - Yeah I agree, mistakes sometimes make the shot. I actually purposely included it here though, foreseeing that it may make for an interesting effect. I am hoping I never have to resort to purposely injecting mistakes into my photos though as a way to spice them up, as I have heard of some people doing (shooting from the waist instead of via the eye, in the hope of capturing a good or unusual composition by mistake).

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  7. #7
    Starting to think outside of the box icicle's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    I like it, and the shadows do make the shot.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Class A's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    AFAIC, there are too many things going on in that image, competing for attention. I believe it would be a stronger image if it had less features, less things that fight for the viewer's eye. One less shadow would already help.
    Aziz! More Light!!

  9. #9
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    Shadow work is fine. What makes this shot for me is the distant mountain. That would be a great subject in and on itself.

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  10. #10
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: The Photographer

    I really like this shot. It's kind of a combo of a landscape and a documentary shot. It brings the viewer into the least if the viewer is another photographer. Are you planning to do a write up on your trip? I'd like to hear all about it. Looks like a great time.


  11. #11
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: The Photographer

    Thks Everyone! Your comments are appreciated, and valued. I also can see where everyone is coming from, both positive and negative. To me this shot would be mundane w/o the shadows but I agree that there's a lot happening (and that some of it is unexplained -- I need to figure out that jellyfish thing....). Liban, that mountain is incredible and I have about 50 shots of it that I need to consider . I will post more soon.

    Paul, that's a great idea actually.. I kept a diary so I think I can probably put together a decent writeup and post it (along with some pix or a link to an online photo album) in the Viewfinder forum. Look for that early next week. I'm much more of a photographer than a writer, but we'll see how it goes. I already owe some friends here in San Diego a description of what life's like in Tanzania (In a nutshell: simple, friendly, and dusty).

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