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Thread: Pennsylvania

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Breinigsville, PA; digital camera

  2. #2
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Hey Kerry,

    I've seen that place before I used to live just South of Allentown and travelled a lot, mostly looking for off road trails (for trucks)
    It appears someone had been playing there too! Nice catch there.


  3. #3
    MB1 is offline
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    I'm liking the subject and the cpmposition, I am not sure about the color though. Seems to me that the side of the barn and the sky were likely a little whiter than this shows.

    Nice winter photograph though.

  4. #4
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Would have been better if you caught this in sunrise/sunset time. I think the light glowing on that hill side would be magnificent. The composition is there for the most part (the right hand side is a tad busy), but just the colors ar the main problem.

    Would love to see a reshoot,


  5. #5
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    I'd cut the house on the right (That we can only see a little part of) out of the picture. The picture has a great feeling of isolation and the right detracts from that a bit by showing there are more buildings there.

    Aside from that, I like it quite a lot
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  6. #6
    Senior Member JamesV's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    I have to agree with Adelais on this one.... I think that it should be cut from the black pick-up over, to the right.... Over then that great picture.... Jared makes a good point, reshoot at sunrise/sunset....

  7. #7
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Judging by the shadows, I think the sun was slung pretty low so it may have been sunrise or sunset (note that the sun while on the walls is not on the roofs).

    For me, I think you may have a little too much blue in it because of the shadows. I would try playing with some levels and maybe a bit of contrast and gamma work and see what you get. Because it's a very pretty image.

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  8. #8
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    Is This Color Better

    I appreciate all the useful feedback. Is this color better?

  9. #9
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Kerry--I like the second version better. The color's better, but I too would eliminate the 'partial house'. This would be a spectacular shot if the sky were a little less devoid of color. Some things you can't control. I'd like to see it again on a spring or fall morning.

  10. #10
    Junior Member Iflygti83's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    This is an interesting shot. I like the coloring better on the second shot, and the snow covered hill definitely leads you into the farmhouse. The use of the rule of thirds is also effective. I think what this picture is missing is a piece of farm equipment in the field covered in snow.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Decided to try to turn it into a highkey B&W image; also cropped a little from the right as suggested. What do you think?

  12. #12
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Kerry, I really like the second and really, really like the third. But the thing is: Do you? Is this how you envisioned it? If this wasn't the way you wanted to go, then don't let us talk you out of the first. Of course, it is fun to try on a hundred different ways to take an image. I do that often.

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

  13. #13
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Quote Originally Posted by dbutler
    Kerry, I really like the second and really, really like the third. But the thing is: Do you? Is this how you envisioned it? If this wasn't the way you wanted to go, then don't let us talk you out of the first. Of course, it is fun to try on a hundred different ways to take an image. I do that often.
    D -- that's a good point. Personally I like the 3rd version (the B&W version) the best now that it exists, but honestly it isn't what I envisioned at the time that I took the photo. It's not so much a matter as being talked out of the first version, rather I was uncertain of what I thought of the original image, whether it had any merit, and put it up for critique to try to see what other people saw in it. I find that it's often hard to judge my own photos, difficult to know whether it will catch the interest of viewers. The comments made here allowed me to see other possibilities in in the image.

  14. #14
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    Yep, sure loos like PA. Too bad there's no dear munching in the foreground. I like the second version a little better though the first's blue is also nice cause the blue shows the coldness of the day. The slight warm sunlight is also nice, as orange and blue are complimentary colors.

    Seems like it could use something in the left side of the photo? I'm not sure.


  15. #15
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Pennsylvania

    I really like the 2nd one best. The B&W is way too contrasty for me, I can see the pixels! Pixels drive me nuts. Anyways, If I could advice, I'd say that there's too much going on in this shot. I think you're shot would be a lot better if you concentrate on one aspect or thing. I think you got a great subject in the barn there, but all the other elements are taking away from it.
    Give justice to the barn Kerry!!

    Also, this reminds me of a friend of mine's shots which I really like. Hopefully one day I'll convince him to start posting his stuff here.

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