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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Palm trees and city

    Not sure if there's anything in this shot - comments?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Palm trees and city-palmtreeandcity_620.jpg  

  2. #2
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    I really like the idea of the palm tree and the city skyline i the bg at night. I think though that the crop is too tight. Should be a bit more space on the left and a lot more on the right. Of course, you might have been cropping something unwanted out. The moon above the tree looks a little strange , as if this was added or worked in PS? I think this scene has lots of potential, just needs to be opened up a bit more.
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  3. #3
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    First word that came to mind when I viewed this was "interesting".
    Yes very interesting. I don't think I've ever seen a shot like this. As repetitive as the world tends to be and is really, this one is totally unique.

    one problem with this shot though is that it has two focus points or two things that draw the eyes in and they (the two things) are in totally different ends of the shot. The moon & the city. I'd say that cropping the top part off could make it work better, but then that would eliminate a part of the interest for me. I wish the moon was a bit lower maybe even obstructed by the palm trees so only a few rays would escape through. I don't know I'm kinda torn on this shot. I definitely agree with Gary though, this shot could've used a bit more of the city to the right.

    I don't know if that helped or confused things.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    I agree that it almost appears as two subjects. It is interesting, but I feel either more of the city, or a way to just make use of the palm would be more effective. Was your intent to have the cityscape in the bg? If so, maybe open it up a bit if possible. If you get a chance to reshoot, I would love to see what you get.

  5. #5
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    Thanks guys ... I'll go ahead and post the original when I get home tonight. The only reason I cropped it was because I felt that the rest of the photo didn't add anything, but yes, looking at it this morning it does seem a little cramped. Plus, the aspect ratio (whatever it is) isn't a good one.

    Payn, seeing how it gets dark so early these days, a reshoot is really a great idea. Now if I can just remember where around town I shot it :-D


  6. #6
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    Boy oh boy, I'd love to see a reshot version of this. The possibilities are endless.

  7. #7
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    I agree, the idea is great, but the crop is to tight. It might look good cropping out the city, and having the palm tree siloutte the main area of intrest in the photo. But, thats all IMHO.
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  8. #8
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    Very good. I think this is verystrong as presented but the suggestions already made are good too. I'm not worried by having two points of interest in the shot, I think that having only one focal point in a picture is one of the thumbrules that can be ignored on occasion. Here the moon gives shape to the palm fronds and the trunk of the tree gives a path for the eye to move between the two points.

  9. #9
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    Hey folks - Here's the original, full frame. Not the best composition job. I'll work on it on the reshoot.

    Swmdrayfan, thanks for the encouragement. It will give me something to do this winter.

    Jorgemonkey, Chunk - I think that if the moon was between the palm and the city it would've been ideal. I guess I need to get serious and look up the moon positions for the reshoot. My GPS actually has those built in Time I try it ...

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Palm trees and city-palmtreeandcity0_600.jpg  

  10. #10
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    I can see why you cropped, the left is a tad busy with the lights and other silhouttes. An ideal shot for me would be to have the palm tree in the left third of the frame and have a skyline of the city. May be tough, but that would be quite ideal IMO.

    Nice shot though and I'm sure you did the best you could,


  11. #11
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Palm trees and city

    Quote Originally Posted by jar_e
    I can see why you cropped, the left is a tad busy with the lights and other silhouttes. An ideal shot for me would be to have the palm tree in the left third of the frame and have a skyline of the city. May be tough, but that would be quite ideal IMO.

    Nice shot though and I'm sure you did the best you could,

    Jared - Yeah, it sure was a poor composition. I can't remember what the reason was.. maybe there WAS something I was cropping out? (I like to believe so!) Oh well - on to the reshoot soon.


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